Chapter 16 - w-what?

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It's been a week now sense Scott did that to cry, he sighed and rubbed crys head as he sat on the couch with cry who had his eyes closed. his eyes were still tear stained, he sniffed more and was very skinny do to the fact that he wouldn't eat anything and what he did didn't stay down. cry didn't even fight Scott anymore he was in to much of a state where he just sobbed and then gave a blank stare. Every time Scott had left the house cry would go to the bathroom and make deep cute on his wrists and waist then hide them from Scott until they would become bad scars.

Scott picked up crys hand and kissed his wrist, cry cringed and closed his eyes tighter Scott sighed and got up waking to the kitchen starting to make a small lunch. cry sat up and rubbed his eyes getting up. he walked to the bedroom and slipped off his shirt putting on one of his, Scott had out him in his shirt and cry hated it so be changed. he walked back out and sat on the couch soon curling up into a ball and sobbing, Scott sighed lightly and walked over coving cry up in a blanket

"It's alright"

"Fuck you s-Scott" he even hated to say scots name he just cringed and curled up into a tighter ball sobbing harder remembering all the times Scott touched his and kissed him, he gripped the couch and screamed into the couch making Scott run over.

"Cry whats wrong?!"

"D-don't f-f-fucking t-touch m-me!"

Scott sighed and looked away, he stood up "just calm down an I'm almost done with some food, so just wait" cry closed his eyes tighter pulling the blanket over his head. Scott sighed again and went back to the food, there was a knock on the door, Scott sighed and looked back at cry then walked to the door and unlocking the door. he opened it and his eyes went wide when he saw who it was


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