Chapter four- welcome home

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They both got in the car after everything was all packed up and ready to go, cry pulled out and headed down the road back to his place, he hummed softly as Pewds leaned over putting his head in crys shoulder a small smiled on his face as he closed his eyes, cry smiled more. he pulled into his drive way and rubbed Pewds head, Pewds sat up and got out if the car. cry popped the trunk and grabbed a box walking into the house Pewds followed with a box and set it down, it took about half an hour to getting everything unpacked and put away. They sat on the couch and smiled cry kissed Pewds cheek and took a deep breath "welcome home" Pewds hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm glad to be home...and with you" cry blushed a bit and hugged back tightly smiling, he closed his eyes and put his head on Pewds shoulder, Pewds kissed crys shoulder and smiled brightly. "I love you" cry blushed a bit more it would take a while for him to get use to hearing Pewds say it. he kissed Pewds cheek "I love you too" Pewds smirked a bit and kissed crys nose. cry got to and smiled "how about I make something to eat?" Pewds nodded and smiled "alright want some help?" cry shook his head and fixed his shirt smiling "no I got up you could set the table" Pewds nodded and got up grabbing two plates and two forks cry smiled and walked into the kitchen grabbing out stake and a pan to cook with.

Pewds smirked and wrapped his arms around crys waist as cry smiled and turned on the stove, "watch or you'll get burned" Pewds smiled and nodded "okay I'll be careful" cry smiled and kissed Pewds cheek smiling. Cry sighed a small bit and looked down

"Are you happy?"

"Yeah why?"

"I don't know...i'm not forcing you am i?"

"Not at all cry why are you asking me this?"

"...I-I don't know...i guess it's because I'm it use to this yet.."

"I'm happy I love you I'm happy to be with you Ryan Im happy with you"

Cry nodded and smiled "I love you too sorry" Pewds kissed crys cheek "don't be it's okay I get it" cry nodded as he turned the stove off. Pewds let go and walked to the table cry walked over setting the stakes down Pewds pulled crys chair out and smiled "why thank you" cry smiled sitting down Pewds pushed the chair in a bit and walked over sitting down. they started to eat Pewds smiled wide "your one hell of a cook cry it's really really good!" cry blushed softly "I'm happy you like it" Pewds smiled and kept eating. when they were down cry picked everything and walked over starting on the dishes. there was a loud bang on the door. Pewds got up and walked over opening the door his eyes went wide to whom he saw


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