Chaoter six- your wrong!

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I hope you like what I did in this chapter ;) enjoy more to come soon

Cry blushed a bit more feeling the kiss go deeper, Pewds smirked in the kiss and pulled away so there lips were still touching slightly " I love y-" the door ell rang he sighed as walked over cry got up fixing his shirt as he slipped back ok his mask Pewds took a deep breath and opened the door marzia pushing her way into the house, Pewds growled and clenched his teeth tightly together he crossed her arms

"Well I'm waiting"

"For what?"

"Your bit gay flelix"

"Fuck you you don't k-"

"Then fucking have sex with cry and show me!!"

Pewds clenched his teeth and sighed taking crys hair and walked to the couch crys eyes went wide Pewds sat him down and slipped off crys mask kissing his cheek then whispering into his ear "I'm sorry but it's the only way.." cry nodded and kissed Pewds lips pulled him into him marzia sat down in a chair as sat back watching Pewds kissed cry deeply as he got up onto the couch starting to kiss down crys chest cry closed one of his eyes trying to keep his voice down and his face hidden he still didn't like people seeing it..he took a shaking breath and amines a bit as Pewds slipped his hand down crys pants cry blushed more. Cry titled his head feeling him self starting to get hard Pewds kissed and licked crys neck marzia stood up Pewds looked at her he stopped, cry sat up marzia slapped cry across the face. cry slowly moved his hand to where it covered the hand print of his face. Pewds felt I my anger at this point



Pewds clenched his fists and pushed her back "get out before I call the cops" she slapped Pewds hard Pewds closed one of his eyes cry looked up and stood up "NO ONE TOUCHES HIM!" he pulled back his and his hand balked up into a fist and clocked her in the jaw sending her to the floor. she looked up a small amount of blood running from her lip cry walked over to her "get out know before I do something else" she got up and started walking to ye door a small smirk on her face "you know I'm right Felix" Pewds laughed "you don't know anything " she slaked out cry rubbed his cheek "sorry about that I hair got so mad at her" Pewds hugged him tightly "it's alright I was about to so the same thing" cry smiled a bit wrapping his arms around Pewds waist "I'm glad she stopped us...i really don't know what I'm doing....i mean I didn't last night but I was drunk...I'm sorry" cry shook his head "it's alright we don't have to have sex to love each other" Pewds nodded "I'll learn how to do it from doing it with you" he pulled away winking cry blushed and smiled pecking Pewds lips and then hugging him again Pewds smiled more and held him tightly

"I'm sorry about all that"

"It was going happen sooner lot later"

"Yeah but I'm still sorry"

"It's okay"

"I love you Ryan"

"I love you too Felix"

Pewds smiled rubbing crys back and smiling brightly "nothing will ever change that" cry nodded "through hell and back" Pewds chucked as kissed crys nose cry smiled and blushed a small bit running his fingers through Pewds hair

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