Chapter 24 - oh god no!!!

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Cry soon picked up ken who looked very worried, cry shook his head and drove off ken took a deep breath

"What the hell is going on?"

"...Scott..he took Felix...after hitting me in the head with a bat..."

Kens eyes went wide as he gripped his pants tightly looking down at his feet he was angry

"Why the hell did he do that!?"

"...because..i was with Felix and not him..."

"That still gives him no right!"

"Don't you think I know that ken?!"

Tears ran down crys cheeks as ken but his lip liking away, he sighed and rubbed the able of his neck

"We need to find then and fast"

"I know but...where would they b-be?"


Ken thought about it then his eyes went wide he looked up as over at cry

"Stop the car I'm driving I think I know where they are!"

Cry nodded fast stopping the car and strong out while ken moved over, cry got back in as ken drove away fast.

Scott smirked as he hear Pewds groan coming to, he kneeled down as gripped Pewds hair tightly, Pewds winched and looked up at scott.

"L-l-le-let me g-go!"

"Nope! not until you pay!"

Pewds went to speak when his hair was pulled again, Scott pulled his pants down and shoved his member deep down Pewds throat. tears ran down Pewds cheek as it was very hard to breath.

"Mmm your moth feels pretty good"

Ken gripped the wheel tightly and looked back at cry who was shaking he took a deep breath

"Call the cops please...."


Cry nodded pulling out his phone she calling he handed ken the phone as ken told them where to meet them, he hung up and gave the phone back to cry who was still shaking. soon they got to this old place that looked very run down, ken got out and so did cry soon the police arrived.

Scott thrusted deep into Pewds mouth as he panted, Pewds closed his eyes tightly as he dug his nails into the ground making his fingers bloody, Scott panted and pushed his member deep into Pewds mouth again coming it made Pewds gage and throw up a mixture of blood and Scott's cum.

The door flew open right as Scott kicked Pewds in the stomach making him slip up more blood, Pewds closed his eye sightly holding his stomach then right as he saw crys face he blacked out, cry ran over as the police arrested Scott cry was sobbing hard just looking at Pewds who was bloody and bruised. paramedics came in and started to take Pewds to the ambulance, cry went with them as they made their way to the hospital Pewds heart beat was very slow. more tears ran down crys cheeks

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