Chapter 30 - breathless

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So~ hey goys as you can see this is chapter 30! so I am going to be a little mean >:3 I'm going to wait a while to upload the next book •-• don't hate me! but yeah so to end this book you all love so much~ here a long hard ((teehee)) lemon enjoy~

Even though Pewds was still pretty weak he still had some which made cry powerless, Pewds smirked pushing cry down onto the bed cry just blushed more and looked up at Pewds. cry bit his lower lip and closed one of his eyes as Pewds started to kiss crys neck making cry let out a oh so soft moan, Pewds lightly started to nibble and suck on crys neck Pewds kept going until he smirked and started to suck on o e area of crys neck. cry let out a louder moan and blushed more if that was even possible, Pewds was sucking and lightly biting on the sweet spot of cry neck. Pewds smirked more and started to pull off crys shirt.

"Mm you look do sexy Ryan I just want to eat you up~"

Cry moaned lightly more and curried his toes as Pewds ran the tip of his tongue over crys nipple, cry moaned lightly and closed his eyes. Pewds smirked and moved down to where he was kiss all the way down crys chest and to his lower waist, cry loaned lightly as Pewds started to licked and kiss at crys lower waist.

"Mm Felix don't stop~"

Cry closes his eyes tightly as he felt Pewds smirk agents his skin and start to slip down his pants and boxers. cry let out a breathless moan as Pewds pulled his pants all the way off, Pewds smirked and started to run crys hardness though his boxers. Pewds smirked an kissed as he started to pull off crys boxers making cry cover his mouth to keep a loud moan from coming out.

"Oh my Ryan your oh so~ sensitive~"

"Ah s-shut up.."

Pewds smiled and nodded slipped off crys boxers and taking the head of crys hard manhood into his mouth cry throw his head back. he almost came just form the feeling of Pewds lips on his his rock hard member, cry arched his back as Pewds started to suck sightly fast. Pewds smirked pulling away from crys member and licked up the shaft then coving his two fingers with some of crys precum. cry opened his eyes just to re-close them when he flew Pewds fingers slip on, cry moaned lightly as he curled his toes.

Pewds smirked and started to suck on crys hardness again as he slowly started moved his fingers in and out feeling cry tighten around them from time to time. cry arched his back when Pewds pushed in another finger making it three, he moaned through his hands and arched his back again. Pewds pulled his mouth away and licked his lips very slowly pulling his fingers out, he put his hand on either side on cry and kissed crys neck softly. Cry panted lightly and rolled his hips agents what he could few of Pewds manhood.

"Oh you want it that bad?"

"Ahh p-please~"

"I don't know~ how bad do you want it?"

"Ahh~ r-really bad~ please!"

Pewds smirked and pushed the tip in making cry moan and cover his mouth up, Pewds smirked and kissed crys neck as he started to push in more. Cry arched his back and started to try and push his hips down wanting more this make Pewds smirk even more.

"Oh your so wanting of me inside of you~"

"Ahhh p-please p-put it a-all ahh tahh the way I-in ahh ha ahh"

Pewds lightly gripped crys hips and pushed all the way in making cry let out a loud moan, Pewds smirked licking Pewds neck as he pulled out and thrusted back in. cry wrapped his arms around Pewds neck and pressed his lips to the dip in Pewds shoulder to keep his voice down. Pewds began to thrust in and out slowly making a fire build up in cry, he want more to feel Pewds deep inside of him. Pewds panted and kissed crys forehead

"Do you want me to go faster?"

Cry nodded fast "y-yes~ fast!" Pewds smirked and nodded started to thrust in and out of cry faster, cry moaned into Pewds shoulder now and curled his toes. he curled his toes as his eyes were closed tightly tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Felix!!!!"

Pewds panted and started to go faster as cry arched his back feeling Pewds hit his sweet spot hard and fast. cry tired so hard but ended up screaming in pleasure. Pewds blushed and pressed his lips to crys trying to make sure the mains were not as loud. he loved to hear crys voice be he didn't want anyone to knock and try to find out what's going on.

Pewds panted and went faster and harder, cry Moaned into the kiss more as Pewds kept hitting that spot hard and fast it felt so amazing. Cry shook lightly and arched his back pushing Pewds deeper into him, he amines more and panted his climax coming up fast. Pewds panted and pulled his lip away from cry, he smirked and moaned lightly his climax coming up fast. cry bit his lower lip and pressed his finger tips into Pewds back trying very hard to keep his voice down.

"I'm g-getting close"

"Ah mahh m-me ahhh t-to"

It was so hard not to moan at this paint Pewds panted and started to faster harder and deeper. cry moaned and bit his lower lip harder his voice just spilling out, he panted an. Closed his eyes tightly. Pewds kissed crys lips and smiled panting

"Ah Ryan~ I'm going to c-come!"

Cry moaned loudly not able to keep his voice down, his hard manhood was now being pumped by Pewds. cry panted

"Ahhgh ahhh m-me ahhh TOO!! AHH GHH YES FELIX!!!"

Pewds panted and started to cum just at the same time as cry did, they both main loudly not caring if anyone heard them at this point. cry moaned more as pressed his finger tips harder into Pewds back. Pewds didn't mind he panted and put his head on crys shoulder. cry panted hard as he opened his .eyes, he smiled and kissed Pewds cheek making Pewds smiled.

"Sorry for being so loud I couldn't hold my voice down"

"It's alright Ryan you sounded really sexy"

Cry blushed a small bit nodding, Pewds slowly started to pull out making cry let out a small moan. Pewds pulled cry close, cry smiled and looked up at Pewds who looked down kissing crys cheek.

"You leave me breathless in more way then you could think"

Cry smiled and kissed Pewds lips, Pewds cupped crys cheek and kissing him more then pulled away. cry smiled his blush starting to fade

"I love you so much Felix"

"And I love you too Ryan I will never stop"

Cry felt his face heat up again and he smiled, he cuddled up to Pewds and smiled brightly Pewds wrapped his arms tightly around cry and smiled. They soon closed their eyes and cry was fast asleep Pewds smiled and fell asleep slowly just loving the feeling of having cry this close again he didn't ever want to let go.

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