Chapter 29 - hot as fire

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"I came to see how Felix was doing"

Cry sighed looking right at marzia, he rubbed his head and looked down as he walked more into the room making cry glare

"Please just leave..."

"But Ryan I w-"

"I'll have ken call you!"


"Please just go..."

She sighed and after a moment nodded walking out of the room and closing the door behind her

••four days later••


"Dude she left"

"But I-I can't love with out her!!!"

"Dude pull yourself together!"

Cry sighed as he watched what ever was playing on TV, he sighed an rubbed his head looking up to see the doctor walking down the hall. she smiled and then sighed taking a breath her breath

"F-Felix is back from testing and awake if you want to see him?"

Cry nodded getting up and rushing to Pewds room, he opened the door and smiled a bit seeking Pewds looking better. Pewds smiled softly and waved, cry walked over and wiped his tired eyes siting on the corner of the bed. Pewds leaved up and wrapped his arms around cry

"I'm sorry"

"No don't be I'm just so happy your okay"

Pewds nodded and hugged cry tighter cry hugged back and took a deep breath as he doctor walked in, she smiled and closed the door behind her.

" I have some news..."

They both nodded Pewds grip getting tighter on cry, cry rubbed Pewds thigh softly calming Pewds down a small bit. the doctor put her pen away

"You both are going to head back to Sweden until this of 'Scott' thing is over"

Pewds nodded slowly after he sighed looking down why Sweden of all places? I mean yes he lived there most of his life...but marzia and...fucking Leon are there. he just sighed and nodded...he would go anywhere as long ad cry was there and at the least they would be safe.

"Alright when do we leave?"

"As soon as your better"

They both nodded as she smiled and left the room, Pewds sighed and kissed crys neck making a small shiver run down crys spine. Pewds chuckled

"It will only be for a while..."

"I know..."

"Hey just think, we will be all alone"

Cry blushed and bit his lower lip nodding, he felt Pewds lay more kisses on his neck as a very soft moan almost to soft to hear cane from crys lips. Pewds smirked as he looked at the door


Cry opened his eyes the way Pewds said his name made him almost go numb with lust and love.cry got the small hint getting up and walking over to the door. he licked it and closed the drapes so no one could see into the room.

Pewds smirked as cry walked back over, Pewds wrapped his arms around cry and pulled him close kissing the the mans neck. cry let out a soft moan Pewds smirked and went to crys ear

"Ryan~ I can't wait"

More shivers ran up and down crys spine as he nodded

"I can't either...I need you...n-now"

A deep blush was on crys cheek as the smirk on Pewds face only started to grow

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