Chapter 18- fuck you

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Pewds walked closer to Scott grabbing the collar of Scott's shirt and pulling him close so they were face to face

"How dare you make my boyfriend do that how fucking dare you!!!"

"Hahaha force yeah right be was just begging for it Felix!"

"You shut your dirty little mouth you dick!!!"

"Oh I should?"

Felix throw Scott back and into the wall, Pewds stepped down on his ribs and them kicked him hard. Scott yelped in pain and spit up a but if blood, he then got up knocking Pewds down and kicking him in the ribs. there was a small crack then Pewds got even more pissed. he grabbed Scott's foot and twisted it around making Scott fall to the ground, Felix got up and started to kick Scott again then grabbed the back of Scott's shirt throwing him out the door into the hall way. He slammed the door and locked it.

"And don't ever and I fucking mean it don't ever come back!...if you do I won't hesitate to kill you!"

He moved some hair out of his face and walked over to cry why his eyes widen, cry was sitting at the far end of the couch tears rushing down his cheeks, Pewds walked over and wrapped his arms around cry who sobbed hard.

"Shhh he's gone now cry it's okay"

"N-no i-it's n-n-not....."

"He's gone yes it is"

"H-h-he m-made m-me do I-it s-s-so ma-many t-tim-times!"

Pewds eyes went wide but then softened, he kissed crys forehead "shhhhh it's okay it's okay I'm here I'm here I'll make all the pain go away now" cry nodded a small bit and started to calm down. Pewds held him close then after a while cry had fallen asleep, Pewds got up with cry in his arms and walked to the bed room. He sighed and took cry back the the couch. he went to the bedroom and changed all the bed sheets and put fresh clean ones on. he fixed the bed up then walked back out grabbing cry and walking back to the bedroom where he laid with cry in the fresh clean bed and held cry close. Pewds kissed crys lips

"I'm here for you I won't ever leave you again I'm sorry I did before but I won't any longer I love you Ryan I really do"

He closed his eyes and soon fall asleep along with cry, cry moved closer to Pewds in his sleep not wanting to be far away ever again.

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