Chapter 20 - again?

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The next day cry woke up beiges Pewds and rubbed the back of his head, he smiled to see Pewds sweet sleeping face. I blushed lightly and leaned down kissing Pewds lips then slowly got up, he walked to the bathroom and rubbe his shoulder looking in the mirror. I bit his bottom lip seeing love bits on his neck and shoulders. he turned on the shower and stepped in letting the hot water run over him when he then felt warm arms wrap around his he smiled and closed his eyes putting his head ball on Pewds shoulder making Pewds shoulder.

"Mmm morning"

"Morning babe sleep well?"

"Mm the best in weeks"

"That's good, mm water feels nice"


Cry opened his eyes and smiled leaning up and kissing Pewds lips smiling, Pewds kissed back and smiled brightly when the kiss broke. cry and Pewds soon got out of the shower and changed into clothing once dry, cry walked over grabbed a glass then went to the fridge pouring some milk in it. he shut the door and turned to see Scott's face, he screamed and dropped the glass.

"Told you I would be back"

Scot pushed cry back and smirked deeply kissing crys lips, cry pushed away tears rushing down his cheeks as he started to push only being pushed to the ground he screened again then felt his pants being pulled off. he tried to get away when his nicer were ripped off and then felt Scott shove his whole member into cry dry.

Cry shot up out of bed and screamed loudly started to sob hard Pewds woke up fast and looked at cry really worried. Cry sobbed harder as he hugged Pewds tightly Pewds hugged back tightly.

"Ryan whats wrong?"

"I-I h-h-had a h-hor-horrible n-igh-nightmare!" he sobbed harder as he hugged Pewds tightly, he was trembling hard he shook his head and sobbed harder

"Shhhh it's over now I'm here Shh" cry nodded but just sobbed more, Pewds stroked the back of crys head and closed his eyes

"Wanna tell me about it?"

Cry shook his head and sniffed Pewds nodded and laid back on the bed still holding cry close. 'shhh I'm not going anywhere it's alright shhh" cry nodded and slowly started to calm down.

This went on for weeks until the paint where cry didn't sleep much, and nor did Pewds he was much to worried. Pewds held cry all through the night, cry would fall asleep but not long after wake back up shaking. Pewds wild calm him down and try to get cry back to sleep. it ha been more then two weeks sense Pewds had gotten more then a few hours of sleep.

Pewds closed his eyes siting on the computer while he was getting ready to do a normal video..he knew yet would ask lots of questions but he just needed to do a small video. he started up the game he was going to do a new part of 'the last of us' he started up like normal

"How's it going bros? my name is pewwwdieeeepieee!"

He have a small smile though he was tired he shook his head and soon was done with the video, he did some work on it and then uploaded it. he liked back and saw cry asleep on the couch he smiled as walked over.

"Thank goodness"

He kissed cry forehead and laid next to him smiling brightly, he wrapped his ants around cry as closed his eyes fast falling alseep. He was woke up by cry shaking and crying lightly he looked up at the clock an saw he had slept for maybe an hour.

"Shhh what's wrong Ryan?"

"J-just another fucking n-nightmare..."

"You were sleeping so soundly too"

"I know... It's because of you I was..."

"Hmmmm how?"

"You were doing a video and even with you jumping your voice was so sweet and calming I just fell asleep to it"

Pewds smiled brightly and kissed crys cheek "I'll have to do more videos then"

"But you need sleep too"

"I'll be okay I want you to sleep too"

"...I do.."

"You need more sleep though"

Cry sighed as nodded closing his eyes Pewds kissed his cheeks again

"I'll sing you something okay?"

" sure I'll love it Felix"

"Hmmmm you might" Pewds took a deep breath and closed his eyes holding cry tightly in his arms he started out with a hum

"Hush little Ryan don't say a word I'm here for you and so much more you'll sleep well in my arms oh my dear Ryan I love you so much more"

Cry smiled and slowly fell asleep as Pewds sang that he really like it, soon he was asleep. Pewds kissed his forehead and closed his eyes

"I love you Ryan get some sleep"

And with that Pewds soon held cry tightly as he fell asleep.

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