Chapter 28 - shaip as glass

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Cry glared and clenched his teeth, scoot walked closer while Pewds curried up into a ball Scott held his knife up

"Now we can make this simple or we c-"

"Let Felix go now"

"I don't think so"

"Let him go!"

Scott smirked and held the knife to crys neck, crys eyes went wide as he felt some blood run down his neck


Scott turned and was soon thrown to the ground by ken who held him down tightly, Scott trashed around but ken still held him down tightly

"Go! Get Felix out of here!!"

Cry nodded and picked the Pewds who was very light, cry cloaked his eyes and ran out running past one of the police who then ran into the cabin. cry panted and soon was out if the forest the took Pewds from him and rushed him to the hospital

Cry followed and they had to operate on Pewds fast do to how much blood he lost, tears ran down crys cheeks as he was told to stay out of the room. he rubbed part of his shirt and shook hard "please...please" he sniffed and closed his eyes lightly tears falling to the ground


•four hours later•

Cry opened his eyes and looked around, it was quite a few people walked by him as he stood up. he tapped on of the male nurse's and he stopped and smiled

"May I help you sir?"

"U-umm yes...has anyone come to find me I'm ryan..."

The males eyes soon filled with sadness, he sighed and looked up from his clip board

"please sit I have to tell you a few thing..."


"...your looking for Felix are you not?"

"Yes yes please tell me he's okay!!"


Tears ran down crys cheeks as he covered his mouth in shock, he shook his head and closed his eyes tightly starting to sob hard the male nurse patted his back and sighed softly

"Would you like to see his body?"


Cry stood up a covered his mouth trying to keep his sobbing voice, he followed the nurse to a dark room with the name 'morge' on the door cry closed his eyes and sniffed walking in. the nurse looked back and pulled out some papers putting then down on the near by table.

"...34....35...36 ah 37"

Cry opened his eyes more and looked at the nurse who was oping the locked container, cry took a hitched breath as the nurse pulled it open more.

Crys eyes shot opened as he covered his mouth tears inning down his cheek, he looked up to see Pewds doctor he took a deep breath tears still running down his cheeks the doctor smiled softly

"Felix is okay he's just sleeping right now"

Cry started to sob after he heard that he was snappy that Pewds was alright, he sniffed and tanked the doctor who gave the room number that Pewds was staying in. he wiped his eyes and walked down the hall and went up the stairs to the 4th floor. he sighed softly as he opened the door, he bit his lip and walked in closing the door behind him. he wiped his eyes again and pulled the chair that was close to him up next to the bed, he sat down and put his head on Pewds bed softly crying.

"I-I'm so h-happy y-your alright..."

He sniffed and looked up at Pewds soft sleeping face, there were bags under Pewds eyes making cry look down at his hands. he sighed softly again as leaned up kissing Pewds cheek and then sitting back down, he held Pewds hand as he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"Felix I'm sorry I let yo get so hurt...i don't ever want to leave your side...i...I'm sorry"

He sniffed and then heard the door open, he looked over then back at Pewds. he clenched his teeth tightly and close his eyes being Pewds hand to his mouth and kissing it. cry took a deep breath and said a few simple works calmly though on the inside he was pretty much screaming his bloody head off.

"What do you want?"

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