Chapter 15 - no forgineness

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Scott smiler and started to suck hard on crys neck more even more tears rundown crys cheek...a small voice rang inside of crys head

"You know you like it"
"Don't fight it"
"Be Scott's"

Cry shook his head and cry out in pain trying his best to push Scott away from his trembling body, he was able to get Scott to stop sucking on his neck. Scott sighed and pulled cry close to him

"I'm sorry"

"P-p-please n-no s-a- stop...."

Scott closed his eyes tightly and pushed cry back down felling himself slightly angry "if you won't come to me on your own then I'll just take you by force!" cry shook more and he felt his pants pulled off he screamed but Scott kissed him deeply, cry gaged on Scott's tongue in his mouth. then again the voice rang through crys head

"Let him take you"
"There will be no pain"
"Felix is gone"

Scott pulled off crys boxers and pushed three fingers into crys entrance making cry scream into the kiss, more tears ran down his hot red face as he sobbed and screened into the kiss. Scott pulled away and smiled done at cry as he moved his fingers fast making cry shake more and more Scott kissed crys shoulder "it's okay the pain will go away soon" cry started to sob harder then he had been Scott pushed his fingers deep into cry pushing on his sweet spot cry screamed out in pain did feel good at all it was almost a completely suffocating pain that just about cut off crys breathing. The voice kept running through crys head over and over again.

"You like it and you know it"
"You love Scott"
"There is no pain"

More tears and down crys cheeks as he slowly started to give Into the voice and the pain started going away but he kept sobbing, Scott pulled his fingers out and pulled cry up. he pushed his whole member into cry making his sob more and tremble. Scott started to move cry up and down as the voice got louder

"Tell his name in pleasure"
"Tell him gown much you love him"

Cry shook more as most if the pain started to how away more, he sobbed harder and closed his eyes tightly. he wrapped his arms around Scott's neck and curled his toes. Scott smiled and started going faster as more tears ran down crys cheek, he bit his lower lip hard enough that blood ran down his chin, Scott licked the blood up and then kissed crys neck. the voice didn't stop cry shook more and just...gave in he couldn't take it anymore..he wanted it all to end. She closed his eyes really tight and dug his nails into Scott's back.


Scott smirked and started going harder and faster and faster, cry screamed but in pleasure...this was not him... He loved felix....not Scott....for now the real cry was locked away and this cry was here to stay...cry opened his eyes and moaned out Scott's name...but his eyes weren't green...they were a dark color...almost a deep blue...Scott kept going as cry moan his name and how much he loved Scott. cry throw his head back and curried his toes tightly. Scott did one last hard thrust as he came into cry...who didn't came

Scott panted but didn't pulled out he kissed cry neck. tears still ran down crys cheek making Scott frown. he sighed and started to move again cry closed his eyes again and dug his nails deeper into Scott's back. Scott started to thrust very hard cry cried out in pain and pleasure this time. scot kept going until cry family came. he pulled out and laid cry down on the bed, he wrapped his arms around crys waist and piled him close, cry was already asleep. Scott smirked "your mine now and I won't ever let you go" he kissed crys cheek and soon fell asleep

School was woken up by the phone going off, he got up and kissed crys cheek he walked out and grabbed it


"Yes, is Ryan there?"

"He's asleep my I take a message?"

"Um yes, I was calling to tell that Felix is doing much better and will be out soon, about a week or two"

"....Okay thank you I'll be sure to fine him the nessage"

Scott hung up the phone "shit" he shook his head and looked at the bedroom for to see cry standing their rubbing his eyes "what w-was that?" Scott took a deep breath and smirked ok the inside but on the out side he was frowning " was the hospital..." crys eyes won't wide as he started to shake "w-what did t-they s-say?!" Scott looked down and start to talk "they called about Felix...." tears started to run down crys cheeks Scott closed his eyes holding back his smirk "...he didn't make it through the night...I'm so sorry" cry looked down then his knees started to shake as he slid down the wall tears rushe down his cheeks as he covered his face.


Cry started to sob hard as Scott walked over but cry pushed him away "I-it's m-'y fault!!!!" he sobbed harder now starting I scream


"Ryan calm down"

"NO! NO SCOTT! I FUCKING DID THIS!!!!" crys eyes started to glow red making Scott nerves, he walked over and wrapped his arms around cry pulling h close, cry thrashed around to get away his eyes glowing a deeper red...

"Ryan calm down!"

"WHY SHOULD I SCOTT!?" it didn't sound like cry...his voice was messed up in a way cry pushed Scott away and ran to the bathroom shutting and locking the door. Scott's eyes went wide as he ran over and started to bang on the door



there was a pause then cry turned and opened the cabinet on the wall throwing things out of it, he grabbed a razor blade used for shaving then looked down at it smirking. he placket it to his wrist when the door shad he's open and Scott stopped cry. he held cry back pulling him out of the bathroom cry trashed around sobbing then soon stopped not able to fight back anymore he sobbed hard

"J-j-just l-let m-m-me di-die!!" Scott shook his head and rocked cry back and forth in his arms, cry sobbed harder and closed his eyes tighter "I-I h-ha-hate y-you!" Scott didn't say anything just kept doing what he was doing, soon cry had stopped sobbing and was passed out. Scott picked cry up and walked to the bedroom.

He laid cry down with him and covered himself and cry up, he wrapped his arms around cry and closed his eyes kissing crys cheek.

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