Chapter 27 - teeth that bite

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Cry clenched his teeth "we look for them now!" he hung up and put his phone in his pocket he looked at the doctor

"Call the plice! follow me and ken!" she nodded and ran out as did cry, he clothe bed his tetra tightly as he got in his car and drove to his place picking up ken who griped crys shoulder

"...marzias here she heard about everything thanks to the hospital..."


Cry walked in as marzia ran over and hugged cry tightly cry was shocked but he soon felt his eyes fill with tears, he shook his head

"We have to find then Ryan"

"...I know..."

"Look I'm really sorry about giving you both such a hard time..."

"Right now I don't fucking care if your going to help that's fine but for now I'm letting that go.."

She nodded and walked out getting in the car with ken and cry, ken drove as the police soon followed ken grabbed his phone out and waved it out the window then it rang he accepted the call and put it on speaker having cry hold the phone

"Okay I have an idea of where they went"

A deep yet soft mans voice came from the other end if the phone

"And that would be sir?"

"There is a forest near the hospital it's dead across from Felix's room and Scott took him from the window so we search the woods"


"Be fast!"

He hung up the phone and drove fast, soon parking by the forest he walked over and started talking to the police then came back over and nodded, him cry and marzia walked in and started looking.

Pewds opened his eyes looking around, it looked like a small cabin but it was to dark to tell at the moment. he looked to to see Scott his eyes went wide then he closed them tightly. Pewds opened his eyes after being hit by Scott again, he spit up more blood and had tears running down his cheeks. Scott smirked and lifted Pewds chin up with his finger

"Tell me dose it hurt?"

"...S-sh-shut u-up!"

Pewds swing his hand digging his nails weakly into Scott's skin, Scott kicked Pewds in the gut making Pewds slip up more blood his throat burned and he shook hard, Scott grabbed Pewds holding him down as he did a very hard thrust into Pewds making him throw up blood and some stomach acid. Scott smirked widely as he tightly gripped Pewds hips starting to thrust hard in and out Pewds screamed in pain thenj soon a cloth was shoved into his mouth, he coughed and blood started to soak the cloth in his mouth.

Cry heard the screamed and took off in a dead run ken and marzia followed ken grabbed crys shoulder to stop him from running into the small cabin. cry panted and looked down light conning for the window but it was hard to see into, ken took a deep breath and spine very low

"We have to wait till be see Scott then we run in and try to stop Scott and get Felix out of there.."

Cry an marzia nodded looking at the cabin cry clented his teeth and gripped at the sleeves on his shirt.

Scott started to trust faster as Pewds screamed it wassi that and hurt so bad but the cloth stopped him from screaming, he dug his nails into the wood of the ground and soon felt the skin rip his fingers all over the wood. Scott's breath went crazy as he went hard and faster making Pewds feel like he was being ripped in half. Scott pushed deep into Pewds an came, it burned as Scott's seed shot into Pewds who droppe his head down the bloody cloth dropping to the floor. blood dripped from Pewds mouth landing ok the floor starting to form a puddle, Scott pulled out making Pewds shiver and shake as blood and scoots cum dripped out of him. Scott kicked him and smiled walking over to the window still smiling, he saw some right in the distance. he grabbed the light that was in the cabin.

Ken saw the light move and the heard a door, he tapped cry and marzia to get ready to go. cry got up an walked over to the door

The works that scoot soad rang in Pewds head as he laid there "don't fucking move while I'm gone or I'll fuck you up so bad!" he closed his eyes and curled up into a ball and shook hard, he sink heard the door ad didn't move he hurt so much he didn't want to feel anything else.

Cry slowly walked over and put his hand on Felix's cold body "f-Felix...I-it's Ryan.." Pewds eyes went wide as he started to did griping crys hand tightly as he shook

"Get o-out I - I don't want y-you to g-get hurt..."

Cry shook his head and started to try and picked up Pewds right as Scott walked in with a huge smirk in his face Pewds shook more

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