Chapter eight- well hello

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Pewds opened his eyes and didn't see cry sleeping in his arms, he sat up and rubbed his head then stretched getting up and walking out to the kitchen, cry turned and smiled "I made breakfast if your hungry" Pewds smiled and nodded kissing crys cheek cry blushed lightly and smiled and handed him a plate. Pewds smiled and walked over sitting down at the table cry walked over with his plate and smiled he rubbed his head and sighed a bit

"We're going to have to tell then soon.."


"Everyone they are going to wounded what's going on and your know I have lying..."

"I know...okay give it a few more days then we will tell them okay get us both ready"

Cry nodded and took a bite if his eggs some what lost in thought, Pewds smile and then heard a light knock on the door he slowly stood up an walked over opening the door, he smirked and yelled for cry the smirk still on his face cry got up and walked over his eyes went wide as he smiled

"Two things first how the hell did you find out where I live and next how the hell are you!"

Scott smirked and stepped in "first I have my ways if finding out where you live, and also I'm pretty damn good how about you guys?" they all laughed and walked to the kitchen cry smiled and handed Scott a plate the sat down and started talking and laughing. Scott sighed and liked over at Pewds "so fucked any girls yet?" Pewds stopped and looked down a small smirk on his face

"Well i guess you could say yes"

"So tell me about her"


Scott's jaw a lost hit the floor cry laughed a bit and looked up, he smiled and surged "well he ha to did out some how" Scott shook his head and started to laugh "your kidding right?" the shook there heads

"Nope we are together we even ahead sex"

Cry smirked and gripped Pewds hand holding it to his chest "an it was amazing!" Scott stopped up and laughed "I'm happy for both of you" Pewds smiled and kissed crys cheek Scott sighed and sat back down "so then how is marzia handling this?" cry laughed and cleared his throat talking a step back he went up into a high voice


Scott chucked a bit and smiled " you know you do that way to well" cry laughed "well thank you Scotty" Pewds smiled and hugged him tightly cry smiled and looked back over at Scott who smiled and looked at the time and sighed "hey I'll be back later I have a few things to do" they nodded and watched Scott leave cry kissed Pewds cheek and smiled Pewds smirked and laid cry back on the table kissing his lips cry Blushed a deep red as they kissed.

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