Chapter 19 - forgave

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It's benne a week sense the whole Scott thing and Pewds has been trying to get marzia to stop calling and things like that, Pewds hung up the phone and sighed rubbing his head he walked into the bathroom to smile and see cry blushing the hair out of his face, he looked down and blushed

"I can't find my mask have you seen it?"

"Well why do you need it?"

" know we still need to tell them...and...well I don't want them to see my face so I wanted I find that we know...tell them..."

Pewds chucked and kissed crys cheek hugging him tightly, cry hugged back and smiled very happy that everything was back to normal. he closed his eyes then opened them back up felling Pewds pick him up he yelped and blushing more. he smiled and liked up at Pewds who smirked walking I to the bed room, cry bit his lower lip and looked away as he was sat on the bed by pewds.

"What's wrong"


"The Scott thing right?"


"No it's alright I understand I really do...its been a while I don't want to push you so I'll be here with you to woo you recover no lie" cry smiled and kissed Pewds cheek then blushed more

"Okay...I don't want to wait any I can't wait..."

"Okay Ryan I love you"

"I love you too Felix don't even forget it"

Pewds chucked and nodded kissing crys lips, Pewds and cry leaned back on the bed kissing while Pewds slowly started to unbutton crys shirt their lips every pulling form one another.

Cry ran his fingers through Pewds hair as the kiss patented they were both panting as Pewds smirked wildly

"I don't think you'll need that mask right now"

Cry blushed a deep dark red and lightly maimed as Pewds hand rubbed his tender sides, cry closed his eyes and lightly arched his back as Pewds touched crys chests and sides. Pewds started to lightly kiss while lightly nipping and licking crys neck. cry blushed more an held back his moans and panted closing his eyes tightly, soon crys shirt was all unbuttoned and almost off, Pewds started to kiss crys chest as a small moan slipped from crys closed tight lips.

"So soft~"

Cry blushed more feeling him self start to grow erect just my Pewds lips and tongue, Pewds smirked and slipped his hand down crys pants lightly running his finger tips over crys Harding member cry let put a small gasp and moan. Pewds slipped off crys pants and hovers in one move, Pewds smirked more taking down on crys precum on his finger tip and rubbing it around cry sentence cry let out a gasp and then shivered tears rink by down his cheek, Pewds stopped

"I'm sorry I'll stop"

"N-no it's okay even if it hurts a little bit it feels

good because it's you Felix"

"Are you sure?"

"Keep going I'm sure it's just been a while that all.."

Pewds nodded and took a deep breath starting back up by coving his finger now in silva and rubbing it around crys tight entrance. cry bit the back of his hand and closed his eyes tightly feeling Pewds finger slip in. he curled his toes and bit the half of his hand a bit harder. Pewds started to move his finger a bit making cry yelp

"I'm sorry"

"I-it's i-okay j-j-just a bit painful I'll b-be okay d-don't stop"

Pewds nodded and started to move his finger again, after a while of this he smiled in another finger, cry let out a small moan because after a while it started to feel pretty good. Pewds slipped out his fingers kissing crys hand

"Is it okay if I go in or not yet?"

Cry paused for a moment and took a deep breath and nodded "yeah I-it's okay" Pewds nodded and pushed the tip of his hardness in very slowly cry yelped and let out a short gasp wrapping his arms around Pewds shoulder holding tightly, Pewds panted lightly and started to go in deeper cry gasping and digging his nail deep into Pewds back "s-m-sorry..." Pewds shook his head and wrapped his ants around crys waist lightly starting to go deeper "I-it's alright"

Pewds soon was all the way in not moving, cry panted lightly and closed his eyes tightly as he curled his toes "m-move" Pewds nodded and showily started to love in and out of cry who was still pretty tight, cry let out a small moan and so started to becoome use to it starting to feel a lot of pleasure. he maimed a bit more as Pewds started to go a small bit faster.

"Ahh f-Felix d-don't stop"

Pewds blushed lightly and started to move faster cry moaned as Pewds went deeper and over his sweet a few times. Cry throw his head back and bit his lower lip starting to moan more not able to control his voic, Pewds panted and started to go a bit harder getting close to his climax cry panted and moaned loud "ahhh f-Felix~!" Pewds closed his eyes "mmmr Ryan!" cry dug his nail deeper getting very close to his climax.

"Ahhhhh Felix!! i-I'm going t-too ahhh c-um!"

"M-me too!"

They both maimed crys louder then Pewds as they both came at the some time. cry opened his eyes and smiled moaning lightly as Pewds pulled out.

" feels good t-to.."

"What's?" Pewds smiled bright as cry blushed more

"To have you with me in all way..."

Pewds smiled and kissed crys lips cry kissed back then smiled as the kiss ended. Pewds kissed crys forehead "let's tell them soon okay?"

Cry had almost forgot About hat but smiled and nodded kissing Pewds nose "okay I love you" Pewds kissed cry and hugged him "I love you too"

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