Chapter 26 - sweet

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In the morning cry woke up before Pewds, he smiled a little bit and slowly got up he didn't want to wake Pewds up. he walked out and told the nurse that the was going to get get some clothing she nodded and went back to her work, cry left and saw his car with a note. he picked it up and read what it said

"Dear cry, hey it's lat and you'll et this at some point, I'm going to head out and get some rest call me when Pewds is back home thanks buddy -ken"

Cry put it in his pocket and got in the car, he drove home grabbing some clothing and a few other things, he grabbed a few things for Pewds and cleaned up a little bit. he walked back out to the car and throw everything in the back, he pulled out and headed back to the hospital. when he got to Pewds room he heard what sounded like a little girl giggling. he opens the door to see Pewds and a small girl. he smiled as Pewds looked over and waved

The little girl looked over and smiled getting up from the bed she hugged crys waist and giggled, cry smiled and set his bag down hugging the little girl who hugged tighter

"Hi my names Molly!"

"Well nice to meet you mommy I'm Ryan"

" I know Felix told me a lot about you your really cool an so is Felix!"

Cry smiled and looked up at Pewds who blushed a bit and smirked, cry blushed lightly and patted Molly's back. she let go and smiled more,molly grabbed crys hand and pulled him over sitting on the bed. the doctor soon walked in and smiled

"Okay Molly time to go"

"Awwww Felix can I come back later and talk more?"

"Sure thing sweetie, how about I come and see you after you operation?"


Molly hugged Felix an Ryan again walking over and then leaving with the nurse cry smiled and looked back at Pewds who kissed crys cheek.

"So how did you meet her?"

"The doctor asked me to watch her for a moment while she went to get some paper"

"Oh well she's very sweet, umm what's her operation?"

"...She has swelling in her brain and they are going to get rid of down pressure in her head"

"Oh..i hope it goes well"

"She's very sting for being 8 I'm sure it will be fine.."

Cry nodded and kissed Pewds cheek lightly, Pewds smiled and kissed crys lips smiling as he did. cry blushed and bit his now tingling lower lip

"You always make me want more of you lips..."

"Oh I do?"

Cry blushed more and nodded, Pewds smirked widely and pulled on crys shirt locking their lips tightly together, he smiled in the kiss and lightly bit crys lower waning to slip his tongue in, cry smirked and didn't let Pewds tongue in even though he wanted to so badly he wanted to tease pewds. this made Pewds go wild for cry he wanted him so badly right now his whole body was hot. he moved his hands and slipped one of them down the back of crys pants making cry gasp giving Pewds a chance to slip his tongue.

Cry moaned softly at just the deleting of Pewds tongue in his mouth, he put his hands on Pewds shoulder and moaned more sporting a deep red blush. Pewds let no area of crys mouth untouched by his tongue, this just drove cry crazy we wanted more so badly. they pulled away from the kiss for air, Pewds smirked and wrapped his arms around crys waist oulleding his hand out of crys pants.

"What a sexy man in front of me"

Cry blushed more and shoo his head crashing his lips into pewds, it hurt only a small bit because there lips together was such an amazing pleasure. Pewds smirked agents crys lips and slipped his hand down the front of crys pants. cry eyes entry wide but then closed as Pewds tongue went into his mouth again. cry moaned lightly into the kiss as Pewds started to rub his member though his boxers. Pewds smirked and made the kiss deeper as he started to move his hand a bit faster. he pulled away and gasp form air cry blushed and bit his lower lip.

"Knock knock!"

Pewds sighed pulling his hand out if cry pants as he muttered to himself "never get to finish do we.." cry chucked an kissed Pewds cheek

"Come in!"

"No I just need to tell you boys a few things!"

"Alright gone on then"

"Ryan...there was a call from someone named ken he want to see you at your place?"

"Oh alright I'll beside to fine him a call"

"Oh and Felix needs to head to a cat scan"


Cry sighed softly and kissed Pewds cheek "I'll be back don't worry have fun with the cat scan" he winked as Pewds smirked and kissed lips lips pulling away. cry lips started to tingle again oh how he wanted more! she shook his head and smiled walking out, he grabbed his phone and called ken saying he would come over

---------3 hours later-------

Pewds sighed as he got back to him room, he had more then a cat scan done but he just shook his head. he walked over and sat on the bed, the door opened and the doctor walked in holding a small envelope. she sighed and handed it to Felix who gave a very confused look she shook her head "just read it please..." he nodded and started to open it

Cry sighed and rubbed the back of his head walking to the car then looked at the time "holy fuck ken god!!"


"You kept me here for three hours!!""

"Oh sorry I called you to tell you that"

"Could have just told me it over the phone! ooh whatever I have to get back to Felix bye!"

Ken waved as cry started to car and drive off heading the the hospital.

Pewds opened it and pulled out a card it was cute and looked like it was made by a small kid, he opened it up and started to read it

"Hi Felix! This is from Molly! I'm having my mommy write this for me, I can't wait to see you after I get out mommy says I will be asleep for a long time! I'm really happy I met you I hope you and Ryan have fun while I asleep. My mommy said she will have the doctor come and get you when I'm all done and awake! -your bestest friend Molly! "

Pewds smiled bit then felt a hard pain in his chest as he looked at the doctor she sighed and sat on the bed "she did very well the whole time..."

"No she can't please don't tell me..."

"She was very happy that she got to meet you, I think she though about you in her last few moments..."


"Her parents would like to talk to you..." he nodded and wiped his eyes, she out up and walked out then came back in with a tall red headed women and tall blond man, the women sniffed and wiped her eyes, Pewds took a deep breath and stood up walking over to them

"Your little girl was so make me so sad that she didn't make it...she could have done so much good for the world she was just amazing..."

The women started to bod as she hugged pewds tightly, Pewds hugged back and the man hugged both of them. after a while of this the parents thanked Felix for making her happy. after that they left Felix sat on the bed and started to cry, he sniffed and rubbed his eyes shaking. the next thing he knows the window blows open as it's pouring down rain. he liked over and saw something he didn't want to see, he went to scream right as He went to scream a hand covered his mouth. he felt very tired as he passed out, The man smirked widely.

Cry parked the car and walked back up, he smiled as e opened the door to Pewds room the screamed seeing the window open and Pewds gone. the doctor ran in as Ryan slid down to his knees he felt his phone ring, he slowly picked it up seeing it was ken he picked it up



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