Chapter 22 - go away

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Pewds pulled away from cry who didn't let go cry bit into his lip and looked up at Pewds, he kissed Pewds lips then licked then panting lightly

"Don't take to long please"

Pewds smirked kissing crys lips as he got up winking "don't worry I won't sexy-" cry blushed and nodded pulling his shirt down and still biting his lip. Pewds smiled and walked over the the door opening it up, the next thing he knew his head was hurting thanks to Scott hitting him in the head with a baseball bat. cry got up and ran over


"If I can't have you no one can"

Crys eyes went wide as he covered Pewds because Scott was trying to hit him. cry felt the bat bash him in the head making him black out. Pewds was still awake as Scott throw the bat and grabbed Pewds tightly, he smirked dragging Pewds along and throwing him into his car. Pewds gripped his head tightly then looked at his hands seeing blood that's when we passed out.

---2 hours later---

Pewds opened his eyes pain running through his head, he got up and saw that he was in a dimly lit room it was cold and when he looked down he didn't have a shirt or pants on only his boxers. he rubbed his head feeling the dried blood, he looked at the door that was now open and there stood Scott smirking Pewds glared

"What the hell is your problem?!" Scott smirked and pushed Pewds onto the ground

"It should set in soon"


"You'll find out"

His made Pewds start to shake, he closed one of his eyes feeling Scott's hand all over him. Scott smiled more sinking his teeth into Pewds shoulder making him let out a loud scream in pure pain


Scott bit down harder blood soon coming out making Pewds wince in paint as Scott pulled his teeth out. he smiled pulling down Pewds boxers Pewds trashed aliens trying to get away when it then started to get hard to fight back. Scott smirked

"It kicked in"

Pewds opened his eyes wide as he looked down seeing his legs being pulled open wide Scott chucked

"You look pretty tight, so cry is the bottom"

"S-stop Scott n-now!"

"I don't think so you can't really fight back now can you?"

"Stop now s-"

Before Pewds could be done talking Scott pushed the tip in making Pewds scream in pain, it was really tight. it burned and hurt like hell, Scott pushed in more blood starting to drip down Scott's member Pewds screaming Moore making Scott smirk wide

"So it is your first time"

Pewds had tears running down his cheek as Scott did a very hard thrust pushing all the way into Pewds who screeched in pain starting to sob. Scott suck his teeth back into Pewds shoulder as he started to thrust hard making Pewds screech more

Cry slowly opened his eyes holding head when he moved his hand he saw some blood, he slowly got up and looked around seeing another puddle of dried blood. His eyes went wide


He needed to find Pewds and fast he didn't know what Scott would do, he got to his feet and ran out the door after grabbing his keys. he got in the car and started to think were scoot and Pewds could be when it hit him. he pulled out fast gripping the wheel as he drove fast

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