Chapter ten - felix...

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Cry sighed and sat down on the couch, he rubbed his head and heard the door he looked over Pewds smiled "i'm going to go get some food for the house I won't be long" cry nodded "okay be safe' Pewds nodded " love you" cry smiled "love you too!" he smiled and laid back on the couch. cry got up and rubbed his head he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass filling it with water, he lean back and started to drink the water slowly. his mind wondered on for a while.

"Hmm I bet how YouTube is doing well"

"Have to tell them soon"

"How will they take it?"


His thoughts were cut off by a car door slamming shut, cry set the glass down and started walking to the for when the door opened cad Pewds walked in..hd didn't look happy... "Umm Pewds everything alright?" Pewds shook his head "oh yeah sorry just....yeah.." cry nodded and sighed "it's not nothing" Pewds kissed his forehead "don't worry about it cry" he smiled cry puffed out his cheeks "hey..." Pewds chucked and kissed crys lips cry smiled a bit and kissed back then hugged Pewds softly.

"Ha what the hell are you doing fleix?" Pewds closed his eyes and hugged cry tighter cry looked over and sighed loudly "hugging the man I love what are you doing marzia?" She smirked "came to bring Felix home" cry chuckled "good luck with that doesn't seem to be working" she tapped her foot "ha sure" she walked closer Pewds turned around and slapped her actors the face se stumbled back and fell down on her ass. he rubbed her cheek Pewds balled his hand into a fist and sighed

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you!"


"I! L! O! V! E! Ryan! Get it?! I love Ryan not you!" he sighed and put his fist down as she stood up "hmh" she snickered more cry rubbed Pewds shoulder and sighed pewds leaned back and kissed his cheek marzia clenched her fists tightly and bit the inside of cheek .

"Your not gay your just confused that's all"

"Maybe your the one who's confused"

"I know I like boys and I love you"

"Okay I know I like boys and I love Ryan"

She shook her head "would you just stop already!!" Pewds snickered and then laughed "I'll stop when I know what I'm stopping" she looked up and turned around smirking "fine fine! want to think your gay fine by me...but don't come crying to me when something bad happens to ryan" Pewds pulled cry close "is that a threat?" She stopped and opens the door snaking

"'s a promise Felix" she walked out of the house

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