Part 1

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Dipper Pines, a straight A's at local Gravity Falls High School, woke up due to his twin sister, Mabel Pines who was jumping on his bed repeatedly with her pig trying to lick his face.

"Bro Bro! Get up! Get up!" She shouted over and over.

Dipper made a noise and rolled over lazily, ending up falling on the floor with a soft thump thanks to his blanket.

"You have ten minutes before I leave you behind okay?" Mabel demanded.

"Okay." He mumbled.

Exactly ten minutes later, Dipper was at the door with his sister ready to walk to school.

"Bye Stan!" The twin shouted in unison.

"Bye kids! Stay away from the  police!" Stan shouted back.

The twin then proceed to walk to school, Mabel was skipping and Dipper was just sticking his head in his book.

"Bro Bro! you should really sleep more," Mabel said. "like yeesh! look at those bags under your eyes!"

Mabel said as a poke him.

"Mabel! Stop!" Dipper gasped as he cover himself from Mabel's constant poking.

"Just look at you! Your skin is unhealthy pale, purple bags under your eyes, and ew! look at your clothes, it looks like you pick this up from a garage sale, and it's not looking great with that glasses of yours" Mabel complained.

"Well, I like it!" Dipper argued.

"Yeah! But it won't get you any girlfriend, or boyfriend! You're just lucky that everyone thinks you're cute!" Mabel said throwing her hands in the air.

"It's about the personality not looks! And nobody flirts with me anyways" Dipper said.

"Yes they do, you're just to oblivious to know" Mabel said.

"You're lying" Dipper said stubbornly crossing his arms.

"How about we make a bet?" Mabel said.

"Sure." Dipper said narrowing his eyebrows.

"The next time someone flirts with you and you figured it out, you win, but if you didn't and I have to explain to you, then I win!" Mabel puffed.

"It's on!" Dipper said, both him and his twin both fist pump 2 times.

"Bet. Bet" They said.

"Now let's go so I can prove you wrong!" Mabel said dragging Dipper to school quickly.

With how fast Mabel since she claims she as the Alpha twin, Dipper being the less athlete one was panting and huffing out for air. Students were walking into the school building, some to their lockers, some with their squad.

Dipper was getting stuff from his locker while Mabel was watching him intently.

"Come on Mabel! Stop looking like anyone is going to talk to me right no-"

"Excuse me"

Dipper sighs and Mabel grinned in triumph.

"You're Dipper right?" The person said, he was a guy with black hair.

"Yes?" Dipper answered eyebrows raised.

"My 'friend' is just wondering and wanted to know what are your types of people" the guy said waving his hand around.

"Well, the person must be nice, funny, smart, and have a great laughter, and they have common interest as me" Dipper answered with a cute smile thanks to his nerd glasses.

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