Part 15

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Dipper woke up this morning feeling very nervous, the play is today! He quickly freshen up as he ran constantly from his bathroom to his bed room, the whole procedures coes something like this:

freshen up

dress in comfortable clothes

brush hair

get a small bag

stuff it with play script and snacks

brush hair again

and Dipper would stop after each time doing something to check his state again to make sure it looks great, he quickly ran down stairs and have some toast.

"Wow Dipper, I didn't even need to call you down" Mabel said yawning a bit.

"Of course, I'm so excited!" Dipper admitted.

"Me too!" Mabel replied.

"Come on, we need to be early to get ready, write a note to Stan, I bet he's still asleep" Dipper said bouncing in his seat.

"You do it! I need to prepare my Mabel juice" Mabel complained "You have a better handwriting anyways" Dipper shuddered at the mention of mabel juice quickly get  piece of paper and a pen.

"Practice pays" Dipper retorted as he carefully write down a simply note in some what of a cursive handwriting, he tried to write cursive but it's too hard, too girly, and too hard to read.

We're going to school early today to ready for the play, don't worry!

- Dipper -

"Here, put it on the table or something" Dipper toss the note to Mabel as he quickly made his way to the door.

Mabel look at the note and sighed, he forgot about the prom.

And there's prom after that so we'll be home late! 

Don't stay up!

- Mabel <3

She added and fold the note neatly on the table, drawing a stan catipicture to make sure it's as eye catching as possible for Stan.

"Mabel!" Dipper shouted from the doorway.

"Coming!" She shouted back and ran to where here brother is, which he waited for her to put her shoes on and they both ran to school excitedly.

"What day is it?" Emma asked happily.

"PLAY DAY!" Everyone shouted as they cheer.

"We've been hard working, sweaty, anxious the whole time as we practice" Emma said with determination "And today, will be the day to prove our hardworking for the past few months!"

"Woohoo!" Everyone cheered as Dipper excitedly clap his hands, he's not the part type, but when it comes to revealing a hardwork of his and a great experience he's been going through, he feel as if he can take on the world.

"So let's practice as if you're performing it! Let's make it the best night ever!" Emma cheered excitedly.


"Let's do it! Theatre crew! Theatre crew!" Emma began to chant as everyone strats to follow her.

"Theatre crew!" They chanted as they make there way on the stage.

"Excited are we?" Bill said.

"Of course! Now get into your position, we have to practice!" Dipper said giddily like a child.

"Okay, okay, hold your horses, Pine Tree" Bill chuckled and went to the opposite wing.

"3,2,1, cue lights!" Emilu counted down, the lights darken as Emma and Emily went on stage and narrates through a song.

They spent the whole day in the theatre practicing, even eating in there, which at some points, Mabel, Emily, and Emma would help the side actors in there costume.

"I can't believe we get to keep this!"

"Yeah! They look so nice!"

"Aw shush! Just a gift from me" Mabel said flustured.

"Staphh! You're making me more anxious for mine!" Dipper whined and some giggled.

"Well, it's true, I can't wait for mine" Bill said taking a sip from his coke bottle.

"Don't worry Bill, the second outfit will look so nice that it'll be great for prom" Mabel said.

"Really? I forgot to even prepare my prom clothes!" Bill laughed out as Dipper smack himself on the head.

"I forgot there's prom today!" He exclaimed.

"Don't worry bro bro, I have an outfit that will be also great for prom!" Mabel replied.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, anything for my bro bro" Mabel said.

"Thank god" Dipper sighed out in relief.

"Now every none main lover roles are in there outfit?" Emma asked as Dipper blush slightly understanding what she is trying to imply.

"Yes!" They all shouted back.

"Good! Now, everyone, we're practicing act 2" Emma said.

"Welp! Let's go! 4 more hours til the play" Bill said streching out as he stands up.

"And minus two for costumes and make up" Dipper smiled.

"I bet I'll be the most handsome person ever" Bill said jokingly.

"You bet" Dipper deapanned.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be adorable" Bill said ruffling the brunette's hair.

"H-hey! I'm not adorable, y-you narcistic!" Dipper pouted but turns to see Bill is already walking away from him.

"Can't hear you!" Bill shouted from the distance, and Dipper could see the all knowing smirk.

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