Part 8

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The next day was okay for Dipper, it was normal, he found out that Gideon is in some class with him, unlucky, there was no Mabel, Pacifica, or Bill in any of those class, but, at least, Bill was in one of the class that he had with Gideon. All aside, Gideon didn't bother him or anything.

Dipper was taking down notes, quizzes are coming up, and after quizzes, are exams, and to would be very stressful, especially, Dipper has to get a perfect record this year to be able to apply into a good college.

Dipper was quite worried about Mabel, she is smarter than everyone thought her to be, but she sometimes forgot to study... Maybe he could trick her into studying with her stuffed animals and smile dip, he did that before and she got high marks, not like she will need a lot of grade in fashion school anyways.

Pacifica is smart, she probably going to try to go to Yale or Havard or something, she wouldn't have a problem with the prices, Dipper was also thinking about applying to those schools also, but the school fee is a bit... much. Maybe he can get a scholarship if he tries enough. But thinking again, Pacifica is also interested in fashion, maybe she will choose the same college as Mabel? He hopes so.

Grenda is going to the same college as her boyfriend, Marius and her will probably be happy.

Candy is applying for some colleges already, rumours have it a school is going to give her a scholar ship, but there is still no news yet.

And finally, there's Bill. Dipper won't be jealous, but Bill is surprisingly smart, he is great with history, especially about the ancient Egypt and he is great at cryptograms and ciphers. Dipper is surprised that Bill is able to remember a lot of stuff, Bill has a great memory that people are jealous at.

Dipper is sure that Bill will get in a great college, he heard some rumours that a school had accepted him already, although Dipper didn't know which it was.

It's kind of sad really, after high school, everyone will spread and move on to college, they'll be separated, even Mabel and him will be miles to thousands of miles away from each other, Dipper wouldn't admit it, and he doesn't have to, but he doesn't want everyone to separate, even though they can still contact with each other and can still keep in touch, they might not have enough time for that.

People says that high school is one of the best times of your life, that's true, if you can handle the work, which Dipper did, but it took a lot of his time, he doesn't even talk to Stan as much anymore, normally, he would go home, see Stan at dinner and talk about his day, then go up to his room and do his work.

On holidays, Mabel, Dipper, and Stan, would able to have a family day, a camp trip, or a scam run, but that's it. Dipper hopes he can still in touch with everyone after college, and maybe, they could be friends and grow older together with their families.

He would hate it if he lose this type of friendship with anyone, not Pacifica, not Grenda, not Candy, Not Mabel, not Bill, especially not Bill. Bill had became Dipper's greatest friend, they are always there for each other and they both understand each other, it would be terrible if it's just *poof* don't talk anymore.


School had ended and Dipper made his way to the theatre quickly, not soon after, he entered the familiar stage.

"Hey guys! today! we will also make some props for the scene so you could practice with it!" Emily shouted.

"We got the school to purchase us some, but we need to make the rest, so make it as nice as possible!" Emma added.

"Now! We need a group to get card boards from behind the school!" Emily said.

"We'll do it!" The group of boys shouted.

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