Part 20

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Bill was focused on running to the circled area on the map, it was old and had rotted somewhat, but he can still read it, running in front, with Mabel following behind, as they run, they can see a police car rushing to the direction of their school.

Bill ran up to Gideon's house, running to behind of the house, continued on into the forest, it wasn't long until he reached a clearing.

"What are we doing now?" Mabel asked.

"Go search around, there must be something around here" Bill said.

And so they did, from the top of the pine trees to some hidden open in the ground, they search in the bushes, and it was Bill who stumbled on something that resulted him to land into the wall of bushes.

The thing is, he pass right through instead of lading on top of the bushes, there were no branches to stop him from falling down, so landed on his back, Bill strained his neck to see a small clearing littered with paper and snack bags.

"Bill! Where are you?!" He could hear Mabel's frantic shout.

"Behind here!" He called out, he quickly got up, ignoring Mabel as she moves through the bush.

Bill brushes the dirt of him and start digging through the scattered papers.

He pick up each once and take a glance at each, the first one was a drawing of a brunette with short hair in a dress. The second one was a photo, it was Dipper in a plain white dress from the behind. The third were a terrible drawing of the woods with a trap door, arrows pointing into it.

He couldn't believe it, this kid, Gideon, it makes him sick.

"Mabel, look here" Bill said and Mabel walk over. Bill handed her the first three items he picked up. She look at the first photo, then the second.

"This is Dipper when I was trying on his costume!" She exclaimed, she felts digusted, how did Gideon got his hands on this photo?

"That bastard" Bill mumbled.

Mabel look at the last one, "This can be a clue right?"

"Yeah" Bill said. "From what I had got, my theory is that... he gulped... Gideon kidnapped Dipper, to make him his queen, and the trap door there, must be a place Gideon is hidding at!"

"We have to inform sheriff blubs and deputy durland." Mabel stated.

"Do it now." He demanded, and so she did, Mabel called the two policemen, they congratulated her and Bill for their findings at the school and in the forest, they ask the two to stay where they are and the police will come to them.  Mabel complied.

"Hahaha" He laughed "Good question my little queen."

"D-don't call me that!" Dipper cried out.

"As I was saying" Gideon sneered. "Your sister... After I realized she can't be mine, I was glad. I had found out that I was wrong! You heard that right! I. WAS. WROND! What I need is someone who is easier to control"

Dipper shivered.

"Someone" Gideon continued circling him "who is more submissive"

The brunette gulped, his eyes following the white haired boy.

"Someone" Gideon smirked, squating down in front of the poor brunette "who is more helpless..."

Dipper's face pale, he tried to choke out something, but his voice wouldn't come, he can only stare wide eye at Gideon, the colours from his face drained.

"Y-you're i-insane" Dipper managed out shaking in his chair.

"Oh Dipper, don't you know? when you sent me to that asylum..." Gideon said giving him an insane smile. "I'm more insane than EVER!"





Gideon laughed non stop in front of him, all he could do is watch in fear as the man in front of him laughing insanely out of control with their eyes wide open.

After a while, Dipper managed to gulp down some fear and gained a few confidence.

"W-well you're wrong thinking I'm helpless!" Dipper spoke up, some pride filled his body, but it all wash away as Gideon stop laughing immediately. With a grim on the psycho's face, he stood up slowly, in the silence, he watch as Gideon slowly stood up in silence, but soon, the space was filled with a loud slap.

Dipper turn his face back to Gideon again, the boy had just struck him across the face so hard it caused his head flying to the side, his eyes tearing up a bit, but he refused to cry. His face stings, still warm from the impact.

Suddenly, Gideon grabs him by the hair forward to the kid's face forcefully, with little space between them. Dipper cried out by the painful gesture.

"In that case" Gideon sneered. "I'll make sure you do" He threatened, letting go of Dipper's hair after that.

"And if you don't, then you should sit there and pray for your sister's safety." Gideon sneered.

"P-please don't do anything to her" Dipper cried out, tears threatening to fall.

"Your punishment is to enjoy this silent while I'm gone" Gideon turned around and walk behind Dipper, where Dipper couldn't see. "And think about what I said."

And with that, he heard a slam from a metail door. Now, he knew, he is truly alone in the darkness now, and with that, he cried, curling up.

"I want to go home" He sobbed.

"I want to be with my family" He choked up.

"W-why me" He said and his sobbed racked the dark room.

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