Part 3

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Dipper went to practice today, and the group seemed excited, Dipper can see Mabel surrounded by new friends, so Dipper decided to go and sit beside Bill.

"Hey everyone!" Emma smiled. "Sooo~ Yesterday, Emily and I stayed behind and read all your opinion and my notes, we had decided which role each person would get."

"So don't be upset because that's everyone's opinion, and being the secondary character still gets the same amount of attention" Emily said. "But once you got your role, we will give you the script and we recommend you to high light your lines."

"So, a brief explanation about the play, this play is about two sisters who lives in a rich family, Elise and Eliza, their mother died when they were young and have a strict father who wants them to be the perfect princess." Emma said.

"But the older sister, Eliza, with their maid, Maria, fell in love with each other, and such love of gender is considered disgusted, not only that but their ranks, so they're forced to keep their love in secret from their father" Emily continued.

"The younger sister, Elise, is tired of the high rich life, she is rebellious and curious, she always sneak out to the village to learn and enjoy a simply middle class life, it was then she met a merchant named Williams and they fell in love" Emma added.

"So that's the gist of it, what do you guys think?" Emily asked.

"It's sound good"

"Sound exciting"

"I would watch that" 

Quick mummers went around the room, Emma and Emily seems happy with the answers.

"Let's start with the older couple first" Emma said. "The Maria role goes to Pacifica" She said pointing her hand towards Pacifica, everyone clapped and Mabel congratulates her. "And her lover, the older sister, the Eliza role, goes to Mabel" Everyone clapped louder and Mabel and Pacifica cheered, not only their couples in real life, they get to be a couple in the play!

"And for the main couple which we focuses more on" Emily said and Emma elbowed her slightly in the stomach. "The Williams role goes to Bill" people clapped and some girls giggled, hoping to get the Elise role. "And the Elise role goes to Dipper" 

"What?!" Dipper squeak catching everyone's attention. "i-i mean *cough*cough* Me? as Elise?!" Dipper exclaimed face red burning from embarrassment.

"Well you seems to fit with the role very well" Emily said.

"And I bet you would look great in a dress!" Emma said smirking as she nudges Emily, who did the same thing back.

Dipper face is in his hands now, he can't believe he got the main female, and his love interest is Bill! why does life hates him?

"The father will be Ethan, the father's butler will be George, Elise's maid will be Ava, and the background roles will be for Madison, Benjamin and Daniel." Emily said. "Emma will help you know your background roles first, and Set ups! you know your stations since yesterday, go to them and the drama club will help each of you."

"Congrats bro bro! you got Elise's role!" Mabel said skipping to him, Pacifica follows behind her.

"But I don't wanna!" Dipper whined. "I don't want to dress as a girl and be the main character."

A chuckled from behind him got Dipper's attention.

"It can't be that bad can it?" Bill asked him.

"You say, but you're the main male character, you're my love interest! How can I perform with you?" Dipper exclaimed his hands in the air gesturing non stop.

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