Part 19

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Everything was dark, darkness surround him as a spotlight shine in front of him. He woke up to this, he woke up to this hell hole, everything was silent, the only sound was his scared breathing mixed with tiredness.

Where is he?

He can't tell, but through his head ache and terrible vision in the dark, he could feel a present.

"Who-" He whispered out. "W-who's there!" He shouted out, waiting for an answer in the dark worriedly, there's nothing he could do but sit and wait for a response, his arms and feet tied, body chained to a chair.

For each second pass with nothing but silence, he worriedly glance around, his heart pounding.

"I-i said who's t-there!" He repeated, louder this time, looking around, no response except for his echoes. Believing he is alone, he struggled with his ties, pulling his hand as hard as possible, trying to lossen the chains and rope, it seems like it would work for a few second, but always failed.

After what feels to be like forever struggling with the chains, he heard a slow clap.

That caused him to froze in his state, too terrified to try and do anything. He hopelessly look up to the origin of the clap, only to see a figure finally stepping into the light. The person were dressed in a baby blue suit, with white hair, he look at the person, his head is still to scared to process, but in a few second, he realized it was

"Gideon!" He shouted out.

"I see you're quite awake and aware" Gideon said. "Dipper..."

"What are you doing?! Why am I here! Where is here!" Dipper demanded, but all Gideon heard was hopeless begs.

"Don't worry my queen, if you obey, I'll just move you to somewhere nicer" Gideon said coming up to Dipper. "If not, you'll get some punishment."

"Queen?! I thought my sister was your queen! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" Dipper was scared, terrified, not only about his safe beings, but also for his sister.

"Oh, just obey and I will garantee you she would not be in a worse fait than yours" Gideon smirked.

Dipper did not feel better with that answer, but as long as he obey, Mabel is safe right? Who knows what Gideon might do?!

"W-why me?!" Dipper asked helplessly.

"Why him?" Bill mumurred, he was at the school with Mabel, they had gain special permission to go around and look for clues, it's not like anyone is currently going to school anyways, people already graduated, it's their holiday.

"I-i don't know" Mabel said, she is gloomy, not like the Mabel you would usually know.

"We must find him!" Bill said. "Let's go check his locker! They must be a clue right?!" Bill said, practically begging.

"Of course there will, let's go!" Mabel shouted, both ran to the locker of Gideon, it is quite easy to find, considering the terrible graffity of Gideon on it. Mabel quickly got out a paperclip, trying to pick lock it.

"We don't have time for this" Bill groaned, he does not want Dipper to be in crazy situation right now.

"The faster we find him, the better it'll be" He said moving Mabel out of the way as he quickly rammed into the locker. With the cheap material the school had purchased, the locker opened, revealing some text books, but not only that, are pictures of the twins, either they're together or alone, with their eyes crossed out with red ink. What disturbed Bill the most is the picture of the pines with their two employees tape to the middle of the locker, which red circles on and arrows pointing at Dipper.

"What a sicko" Mabel whispered, digging through the locker, photos with crossed out eyes litter the floor, with text books thrown carelessly onto it also, it didn't take long for Mabel to thrown everything onto the ground, out of helplessness and frustration also.

When she is done, they both notice there is a weird looking door like in the corner of the locker, Bill used his nails and prided it open, it was a secret compartment! They two look at each other.

"There must be something in there!" Bill stated.

"There must be" Mabel repeated.

They took out a block of the wall, using his hand, Bill digs through the hole, taking everything he felt out, first were a few red crayons, next were pills, then a small terrible drawn map, and finally, a fold up piece of paper.

Bill gulp as he open it, it was a crud drawing from crayons, it look like a 10 years old had drawn it. But the picture, was a brunette wearing a dress with a crown on their head, at the bottom of the page was a written quote. 'My Queen'.

He toss the paper to the floor, Mabel quickly caught it and study the drawing with dread, Bill decided to check the remaining items, red crayons, Gideon must've draw the disturbing things with them... the pills, definitely sleeping pills... the map, he quickly open the map, it was old and drawn over terriblely with random scribbled, but a red circle caught his eyes.

"There might be a clue here" Bill pointed out to Mabel, who nodded and got out her phone.

"We got some clues at Gideon's locker at school, you guys should come and check, Bill and I are going to search for something" Mabel spoke to sheriff blubs and deputy durland, and they quickly ran to the area.

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