Part 25

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The sky was dark, the air filled with noise, from  people talking to the sound of sirens, red and blue lights shine through the forest, as the pines and a northwest gathered together and anticipating sting for the next thing to happen.

The moment was intense, nobody was able to think clearly, especially if you're the victim or someone close to the victim, it all went in a blur, police officers opening the solid metal trap door, reporters filming and reporting the events, the moment when sheriff bound and deputy duel and rush in the bunker with others.

And so the rest outside stand and wait anxiously, Stan stares at the door, his heart thumping, hoping to see his nephew again, Mable was clinging to Pacifica, Both girls were on the verge of crying, but they manage as they try to calm each other, and Bill, he just stand there, he felt nothing yet every emotions, but the only thing he could do is just stand there and gaze at the event all around.

They heard shouting, they heard a cry of success, they heard cries of defeat, the police force first comes out with Gideon, hands cuffed behind his back, forcefully pulled towards the prison vehicle as Gideon tries to resist.

Those who he passes glares at him with hatred, if looks could kill, then Gideon would've already been six feet under, but the moment when a strong looking officer came out, in his arms was someone they had tried to find all this time, someone they love and miss.

The two pines, a northwest, and a cipher rush to them, the two girls were crying with tears of joy, Stan looks like he could cry at any moment, and Bill was already tear stained face, he put his hand on the sleeping boy's shoulder, who's covered is scratch and bruises, the brunette's breathing was soft and gentil.

Mabel thanks the officers non stop as they drove Gideon to prison and Dipper to the hospital, sheriff blubs and deputy durland stayed back, explaining the situation to the pines.

"Gideon will not be having a trial due to his crimes, I can tell you, that boy has no proof that can save him in any way" Blubs said eating a donut "But apparently, that creep had gotten the poor boy dressed as a maid, cuffed his hands, and shackled one of his leg, they may leave a mark on his skin though, and Dipper currently is malnourished, due to not being exposed to the sun for too long, and haven't had a proper healthy meal, including with those scratches and bruises, but he'll be fine, I can tell you that"

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you" Mabel and Bill both thank the officers.

"Thank you so much, I can't tell you how grateful I am" Stan said.

"You're welcome. We're ready to help any citizen whose in trouble" deputy durland said and both police officers left.
Dipper had been in the hospital for a week, Stan, Mabel, Pacifica, and Bill visit often, all happy to see Dipper's health getting better.

The scratches and bruises Dipper got had already healed, only some red marks at his ankle and wrists.

He was happy, Dipper is happy, he smiles all the time and felt more and more energetic everyday. The news of the rescue swept over town, everyone is happy for the pines, although Stan somehow had make sure the news never reached to the twins' parents, like Mabel's situation last time, he didn't want shermy and his wife to ban the kids from Gravity Falls.

And soon, he found himself at the bus stop ready to go back to Piedmont and going to the college he chose next, Pacifica was coming with them, since Mabel and Paz will be in the same college and are dorm mates, Stan was there wishing the kids good bye, and so is Bill.

"Remember to text me, I have you my number" Bill reminded Dipper for the hundredth time.

"I will, don't worry" Dipper rolls his eyes, although he is smiling happily.

"Bus leaving Gravity Falls, leaving right now!" Shouted the bus driver.

"Gotta go" He sighs.

Mabel and Paz hugs Stan and ran up the bus shouting "Bye Stan! We love you!"

Stan chuckles "bye kiddos, and shock Shermy with your love for me"

"Bye Stan, I'll miss you" Dipper smiled.

"Yeah yeah, love you too kiddo, now go on that bus before dust flies into my eyes" Stan ruffled the brunette's hair.

"Bye Bill, I hope I get to see you soon" Diper smiled grabbing his bag and Mabel's since she forgot it on the ground.

"I guess I'll see you again some sunny day" Bill chuckled.

"Come on kid, say good bye to your boyfriend or something, we gotta go" the bus driver groaned.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Dipper squeaked as he step on the bus, he turns around to say sorry to Bill but was interrupted with a lip on his.

"Not yet." Bill smirked.

Dipper froze in shock and embarrassment, his face burning and his lips tingles as the bus closes the door, Mabel and Paz squealed, while Bill earned a knock on the head by Stan.

"What do you think you're doing? Take him to dinner first will ya?!" They could hear Stan's shout through the window.

Dipper blush and stuttered as Mable cheered for him, he quickly sat down next to the window and blush.

I'll guess I'll see him again some sunny day...

He thought

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