Part 17

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Dipper and Bill arrived at prom, as the mc annouce prom has begun, music can be played all around.

"Woah" Dipper said as he look around, the decoration is amazing, the food table looks massive, and the music is great, not like horrible music, which Dipper had expected. The only light source is the light shone on the stage and the disco ball.

"May I have this dance?" Bill asked.

"Are you trying to imitate the play?" Dipper ask jokingly.

"Well, it is not an official dance there" Bill said then offer his hand. "So, may I have this dance?"

"I... Yes..." Dipper replied blushing as he accept the offering.

Bill place his hand at Dipper's waist, while Dipper place his hand on Bill's shoulder, and they hold each other's hand as they start to sway to the music. They stayed silent as they sway to the slow music, Dipper pay attention to his shoe but took some risk some times to look at Bill in the eye, which Bill always stare back as he look at Dipper non stop.

When the song ends, Bill took Dipper's hand and kiss it, smiling at Dipper, who is a blushing mess right now as he caress the hand Bill kissed.

"I-I'm getting some w-water, s-see ya" Dipper said quickly as he escape the dance floor blushing, leaving a smiling Bill behind, who was complimented by Mabel for romantic move on Dipper.

Playing with a layer of his dress between his thumb as he nervously head to the soda section at the gigantic snack table, he was almost there when he almost stumbles into someone.

"Oh! sorry!" Dipper said on instinct.

"Oh, it's okay" It was Gideon, "but you do not, you look like you ran a mile"

"o-oh, it's kind of hot here...." Dipper said as he thinks up an excuse "must be because of the dress" Dipper said as he suddenly remembers about himself wearing a dress, to think about it now, he feels more embarassed.

"Well, it's a nice dress, and goes great with the play" Gideon chuckled.

"W-wait, you saw it?" Dipper asked suprised.

"Yeah, it was great! I can see you put a lot of work in it" Gideon complimented. "must've been tiring..."

"Yeah" Dipper sighed.

"Here! Have my cup of Pitt Cola, I just took it!" Gideon suggested friendly.

"No no, it's yours" DIpper said polite;y, although he is very close to accepting the drink.

"Don't worry, I grab two since they're the lass of the cola, so you better take it cause there's none left" Gideon chuckled.

"Well, if you don't mind" Dipper said rubbing the back of his neck as he accept the drink taking a sip at first, but gulp the whole drink down at how thirsty he is.

"You look  tired, you should take a  rest " Gideon said sounded worriedly.

"Yeah, I'll see you later, just need some frsh air" Dipper said as he walk outside the school as he turns the corner of the school and sat down immediately groaning.

Urg... what did Bill mean when he kiss hand?

Bill could possibly like him does he?

No! that's unreasonable!


But he did ask me to a dance and Bill's been so... nice? kind? lovely towards him.

He doesn't know!

Dipper yawned suddenly feeling quite tired.

He's tired, from the nightmare he go last night, he's tired of not being able to preoperly sleep...

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