Part 6

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It was Monday again, Dipper and Mabel went to school, after the hang out, Dipper had told Mabel of what happened, and Mabel, not wanting to ruining the plan of getting Dipper and Bill together, she ran to the next room right away and squealed as loud as she could, literally, they're too cute.

Arriving at school, Dipper saw Bill straight away and they both met up getting to class, Dipper was happy and skipping lightly, with the tips Bill gave him since Saturday, Dipper had been practicing his part on his own and he felt more confident, though Dipper was oblivious to some stares and giggles directing at their way, Bill would glance at the people who look at Dipper flintily.

Sure, they might not think they're dating, but Bill does not appreciate those type of attention that Dipper is getting, they got to class, which was Science, and now, instead of sitting behind Dipper like normally, Bill decided to sit next to Dipper, and they both content with it.

Lunch time was much better, with Bill sitting at their table, Dipper was able to have someone to talk to about his nerd, supernatural, and journal stuff, instead of listening to girls stuff.

"So... Pine Tree, I read all your stories" Bill said starting off their conversation that day.

"Really?" Dipper's eyes lit up instantly, losing his interest in his lunch, Dipper leans forward to Bill. "What do you think?"

"It was great! You really have a great imagination, I would wish if I have a summer like that, I can't wait until you wrote adventures that will include the triangle guy" Bill exclaimed.

"Thank you! I was planning to have it all connected with continuity and something unexpected!" Dipper said, about to take his journal out.

"Okay kiddo, put that journal back in and eat your lunch" Bill chuckled juggling the brunette's hair.

"Hmph, I'm not a kid" Dipper pouted.

"Well you act like one" Bill shot back.

"W-well, I-i..." Dipper stuttered and decided to stuff his mouth with his lunch instead, Bill only chuckled at his reaction.

"Well, hey Pine Tree" Bill said.

"What?" Dipper asked.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"


"To get to the idiot's house" Bill snorted a bit.

"That doesn't make any se-"

"Knock knock"

"*sigh* who's there?"

"The Chicken" And with that Bill burst out with laughter while Dipper slushed, even the girls joined in, which they had been tuning in their conversation after sometime.

"T-tha joke was terrible" Dipper complained.

"How about this? Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?" Bill asked.

"Why?" Dipper asked his head tilting in confusion.

"Because he has no BODY to go with!" Bill said slyly laughing when he finished the joke.

"O-or! He had a skele-TON of work to do!" Bill exclaimed laughing much more now while Dipper grumble slightly to his jokes. 

But there conversation ended as the Bell rings, telling all students that lunch is over.

"I'll see you at the play practice" Dipper said packing his bag quickly.

"See ya Sapling" Bill said waving.

"Heh, another nickname for me!" Dipper giggled walking off while Bill smiled behind.

Once Dipper was out of ear range, which was not long,  the group stop Bill from walking off.

"Bill, you gotta step up your game" Candy said fixing her glasses.

"What? What do you mean?" Bill asked.

"You have too be flirty and all that stuff, start making your presence know!" Grenda said with her deep voice, she is the most experienced in dating comparing with everyone, considering she had been dating a rich foreign kid since forever.

"You've been like his best friend now! Now try to be his boyfriend!" Pacifica said.

"Just go and be yourself! Flirt with him! You can do it!" Mabel encourage.

"I will! There's no problem at all!" Bill said running off to his class, confident now.

It was at the end of school, Bill had to deal with some girls flirting before being slightly late to his practice, Dipper was already there practicing scene 1, the scene that introduce pretty much of his character, Bill stand there, watch as Dipper acts and the set up crew tries their best to get the lighting right.

Bill couldn't help but feel proud of Dipper, he barely stutters on stage anymore and seems to remember his lines completely, with some practice and emotion, he can be perfect, even Emma compliments Dipper about his improvement.

Bill walk over to Dipper, "You did great! just practice more and you'll get it!" He put a hand on Dipper's shoulder.

"Well, it's thanks to your tips since Saturday, that's all" Dipper said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck in slight embarrassment.

"But you need emotion also, just imagine you're that character, that it had been your life as them, that you are Elise." Bill suggested.

"Sure, I'll try!" Dipper smiled.

"Bill! Get up here and act!" Emma shouted from the stage.

"Welp! I'll have to go" Bill said, "Oh, and BOOP!" he said booping Dipper's now, getting a blush in reaction.

Dipper blushes covering his nose, watching as Bill goes on stage and act his part confidently, this time, with some emotions in his words, and Dipper watches in fascination, he couldn't help but feel flutters in his stomach as he saw Bill smirk or grin, the feelings worse when Bill smiles.

Even though Dipper doesn't want to, but Dipper is somehow starting to feel nervous around Bill, it's weird considering Bill as his 'friend' (pfft! as if!) , Dipper was staring at Bill trying to wrap his head around the feeling, he felt like this somewhat before with Wendy, but it's not as intense right now.

But wait, does that mean-, nonononono, it couldn't be, does he have a crush on Bill?

Okay, maybe he shouldn't jump to conclusion, there's a possibility he might have a crush on Bill, but that seems rushed, sure he knows Bill and kind of talk before, but about more than one week is when they truly talk and hang out with each other, that seems a bit rushed. He may need to investigate more to confirm his feelings, maybe it's just a stage or hormones or anything, right? 

Dipper just doesn't want to ruin his newly found friendship with Bill, they had a lot in common and seems to understand each other, and Bill seems to have a great personality and is a nice person, you wouldn't want to lose a friend like that would you? Definitely not! Dipper thought.

Maybe he could talk to someone about it, but maybe not Mabel... She'll come up with crazy plans that Dipper would not agree with, and she'll talk about it non stop, maybe he should keep it to himself. It's not that bad, things can't get worse.

Dipper was snapped out of his thoughts when a hand waves in from of him.

"What cha' doing bro bro?" Mabel asked finally getting his attention.

"Oh, just thinking... about stuff" Dipper answered, he may grow up but he is not that great at lying to family members yet.

"What stuff?" Mabel asked.

"Just stuff" Dipper said tensing up a bit, his voice went a little higher.

"Well, is it about some stuff or someone~?" Mabel asked teasingly.

"Maybe?" Dipper said awkwardly. "Well, I'll go and practice my role" Dipper said and walk away from a confused Mabel.

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