Part 2

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Dipper woke up in the morning and tried on his new clothes, he risk the fact that they haven't been washed yet. He does he normal routine and with his sister, they went to school.

"Look at you bro bro, you look like a hot nerd now" Mabel whistled.

"I do?" Dipper asked, he is currently wearing black long pants with a white button up shirt, his now favourite jacket with sleeves rolled up to his elbow, and his famous pine tree hat.

"Well, duh, you're not the buff type, no offence" Mabel said.

"Then what type am I?" Dipper asked.

"The cute on!" Mabel said "You're those cute nerd who is like a cinnamon roll, if you're in a relationship, you're definitely the bottom."

"M-Mabel!" Dipper squeaked, embarrassed with the topic.

"What? It's true" Mabel said. "Don't be offended or anything, but you have a very feminine figure"

"I do not" Dipper huffed with embarrassment.

"You can wear female clothes! my clothes!" Then Mabel gasped loudly. "You could be my twin sister! we can wear the same clothes and be twinsies!"

"shut up!" Dipper said face red, he is not cute, he does not have a feminine figure, he's manly!

At least that's what he said to himself, is he manly? He done a lot manly things since he was twelve, like he help chop woods, he fights bats, he fix things, but he also lost that manly machine, but he was twelve at that time! He is manly now right? Does he really have a feminine body? Mabel made him wear her clothes once, it fits well, but, THAT NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW! But if he was in a relationship, is he the bottom? He pretty sure he might? He can never really see himself being the ones who flirts and start all those couple things. But he is overthinking things right? right. probably. But then-

"Psst! Dipper!" Mabel whispered.

"Yeah?" Dipper asked snapped out of his zoning out.

"People are totally checking you out!" Mabel whispered shouted.

"Really?" Dipper asked then look around, he saw some people look at him and some girls giggling, if it wasn't for Mabel's warning, he would just think they're weird.

"Um yeah, they are" Dipper said rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"See! a better choice of clothes makes you looks better" Mabel said happily.

"Dipper! Mabel!" Someone shouted ending their conversation.

"Hey!" Dipper greeted.

"Candy!" Mabel exclaimed. "What's up?"

"As a member of the school events, there will be a play happening, and I wanted to ask if you guy wanted to join" Candy explained.

Mabel gasped loudly. "We totally should!"

"Mabel! you know I'm not the sociable type" Dipper said.

"Mhmm! Mhmm! and done!" Mabel said finishing signing her's and her brother's name.

"Thank you so much! I'll email you guys once we got everyone! now I'll see if anyone else going to join!" Candy said running off.

"Mabel! you gotta tell her to erase my name!" Dipper exclaimed.

"No can do bro bro, it's Mabel's special permanent marker." Mabel said waving it around, and Dipper groaned in annoyance, he can remember the time she write on wood with that pen and it's impossible to get the ink out.

"But then it's like a social club and you know me" Dipper said trailing off.

"It's a chance for you to make new friends bro bro, like seriously, have you ever make a friend on your own account before?" Mabel asked.

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