Part 4

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A week had passed, Dipper couldn't help but try to be the best at his role, he is too embarrassed to think about what had happened last week, since that day, Bill seems to be them same while Dipper couldn't help but be awkward.

Right now, Dipper was standing at the wings with a blue highlighted script in his hand, the group was practicing the first scene and things doesn't look too good, people keep forgetting their lines and seemed too shy on stage, except for the narraters, which is Emma and Emily, they said it was fine for the first few weeks for this to happen, but Dipper couldn't help but feel shy.

He tried to speak as loud as he can and not to stutter, in the end, he stuttered sometime and look over his lines one or two times, it becomes quite easy to remember when you read the script to sleep, Dipper had to admit, the storyline of the play is quite good, Dipper would imagine how each scenes would be like when the members played as them, but what Dipper wouldn't want to admit is he is a sucker for romance novels.

Overall Dipper was good, he remembers his lines but he needs to work on his confidence. While that, Bill Cipher was a narcissistic asshole, Bill was confident, but at some times, the group have to face palm at his actions, Dipper is not the type to show much emotion, but Dipper couldn't help but feel more irritated with Bill adding that with awkwardness, Dipper, just like some others, wants to wipe off the smirk of Cipher's face sometimes.

Bill Cipher, while doesn't have to deal much with his part, he had to deal with this feeling inside him, since last week, he can't help but feel more and more excited for practice each day, he also felt happier when it was his and Dipper's time to practice together, speaking of Dipper, whenever Bill look at him, his stomach seems to flip and tingles as if butterflies were inside them. And when he look at Dipper, he can't help but captures into those hazel eyes, he always caught himself staring at Dipper, but luckily Dipper was to oblivious to notice, but then, he would look over and saw Mabel and Pacifica giving him a smug look.

"Bill! Don't act so happy, pretend you're miserable! At this part, your character is not having the best doing of business right now!" Emma reminded him.

He tried his part again trying to improve what was needed, he wants to be the best anyways, when Bill was done, Emma look approved and ask him to get off stage so she could work on the other roles.

"Hey Shooting Star!" Bill greeted seeing the girl making her way towards him.

"Whoa whoa hey!" He sputtered as the girl suddenly pull him over a wall, out of view of the members.

"Shooting Star-

"Shhhh!" Mabel cut him off grinning happily.

"What do you-



"Shhhh!" Mabel shushed more loudly now. "You totally have a crush on my bro"

"What?" Bill asked.

"I've been studying you the whole week, and based on Mabel's match making skills, I know that you're totally likes on my bro" Mabel said confidently.

"Shooting Star, I like Pine Tree, But, I don't think it's that important, I-i mean like I don't really know what I feel right now" Bill explained, but wait, did he stuttered? Mabel's grinned widened.

"So what do you feel about him?" Mabel asked.

"That's he's a nerd, well a cute one to say, he's has pretty eyes also..." Bill trailed of.

"Okay, so how do you feel around him? Mabel asked.

"I like him for sure, but I'm not sure..." Bill said.

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