Part 21

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"Dipper 'Mason' Pines, a senior kidnapped on prom's night at Gravity Falls high school, about 10:00pm at night. Police forces are doing their best to find him, currently, there is only one suspect, Gideon Gleeful, a senior who had been released from the Gravity Falls asylum this year, the reason he was sent there because he was charged with a kidnapping charge for attempting to kidnap Mabel Pines, Dipper's twin sister, a few years ago. Asylum workers confessed that he has possible psychopathic behavior when he first came in, but they think he's better when they released him..."

Bill and Mabel watch as the news reporter of Gravity Falls news channel spoke, they felt nothing,  they felt numb, sure was happy that they had found more clues and possible areas of where Dipper might be, but the police had ask him and Mabel to best stay at home, fearing that Gideon might go out to look for them and it's the police's job.

They can't do anything but stay at the Mystery Shack, to still have some support from those who around.

"Just today, thanks to the works of William Cipher and Mabel Pines, the two had helped the police force to find more clues to the search for Dipper Pines, Sharen is currently live and will have an interview with the the police forces" Said the news reporter.

"Yes Steve, I'm Sharen here with sheriff Blubs and deputy Durland, the ones in charge of this case" Sharen spoke. "Tell us, what are the clues you've found today."

"Well you see Sharen" Blubs said fixing his belt. "What we found are some old maps, snacks, and creepy drawing of his so called 'queen'" he answered.

"Yes, very disturbing, it gave me the creeps!" Durland added. "Here's our detective!"

"Yes, thank you very much" Sharen said. "Now mr. detective, what are your thinking and theory for the search for Dipper?"

"Well, this is a serious manner we're talking about, from all we had collected and my thinking, Gideon Gleeful may not have his personality cured, he may have had been faking it to be released. And not learning from his past, he wants to kidnap another Pines to have his 'queen', I believe he has psychotic behaviors, and is currently in hiding with Dipper Pines-"

Mabel shut off the tv, Bill doesn't seem to notice and keep staring at the blank screen.

"Uh kids?" Stan's gruffled voice called out, the two only lift their head towards him.

"I know what Gideon is like, he's a sicko and a creep-"

"More like a psycho" Bill spit out.

"A monster" Mabel added.

Stan would've denied them if he didn't agree with them.

"As I was saying, but we WILL find Dipper, it's not like he's gone forever! We have all the clues so I want you two to hope." Stan said.

Mabel look up at him, her eyes dull, Bill also make a tched noise.

"O.K. That's enough of noping! I know you two care about Dipper and so do I! But I don't want you two to walk around under my roof like it's a funeral home! Stop it! It's not like I'm forcing you two to be happy about this, but I want you two to stop being depressed! Dipper needs us so we must be always on guard and ready to save him, so stop it with your grivieng and let's just find Dipper, ain't nobody wants to listen to the police!" Stan exclaimed with encouragement and confident, this caused Bill and Mabel to stare at him in awe, their depressed mood liftened, only to be replaced with determination and hope.

"You're right Grunkle Stan! Nobody can work in this kind of mood!" Mabel sniffed and tackled him into a big hug.

"I agree." Bill said, smiling a bit.

"What are you doing over there kid? Get over here and give this old man a hug!" Stan chuckled and grab Bill, giving him a group hug.

"Now you know me" Stan said releasing them. "I never listen to the police. My motto? When there's no cops around, anythings legal!"

"It's true" Mabel nodded.

"So how about we get our butts out of this house and go on a search for Dipper on our own!" Stan smiled.

"Yeah!" Bill shouted.

"But what about the police, what if they caught us?" Mabel question.

"You know what Mabel?" Stan asked and Mabel shook her head no.


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