Part 11

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Bill blinks his eyes bleary, he had woken up, surprisingly without a terrible head ache, Bill breathed out a laugh, didi he finally sober enough to stay dehydrated?

Sun lights blinding his eyes, Bill tried to sat up groggily, key word: tried, he was hold back by a warm lump on him, considering he was hugging it also.

Bill eyes widened and he look down to see a sleeping Dipper snuggling up close to him, he blushed, he didn't know Dipper is a cuddler, but not only that, the peaceful look Dipper had on his face was amazing to look at.

Oh no, did they do something? Bill's eyes widen as he tried to sit up again, but just then, realising both himself and Dipper still had their suit on, Bill breathed out a sigh of relief for a second, he hope he didn't do anything stupid to ruin their friendship, all he remember is vodka and Dipper trying to get him to drink some water.

But a sound cut him off.

"mmm..." Dipper groaned slightly in his sleep, muffled by Bill's chest as he snuggled closer.

Bill froze, first, he gently as possible lift his arms from Dipper, he could still feel the lingering warmth but continued.

"Ma...bel...don't" Dipper grumbled still a sleepy head.

Now, the hard part, Bill carefully lift up Dipper's arm and tried to grab any thing for Dipper to hug nearby, to his luck, the only thing was the Bear Duck he gave to Dipper at the end of the bed, just slightly out of his hand reach.

Bill moves his body slightly trying to get the stuff toy, he would be so embarrassed if Dipper woke up right now. Bill arms stretch as he reach for it, leaning his body to the side a little as he was about to pinch the wings of the animal.

But Dipper had to be his cute little self and pulled Bill back harshly, Bill being caught off guard by the half asleep Dipper.

"Stop pulling Mr. Beary Blue... You'll rip him..." Dipper mumbled and Bill had to stifle a laugh, he named the stuffed animal? Bill could even see a pout forming on Dipper's face, Bill really hate it to be in this situation, on one side, he want to stay with Dipper longer, on the other, he don't want to have things awkward.

"Bill gave it to me" Dipper finished and hugs Bill tighter, wrapping his legs around the other, well, that shut his thoughts up quite easily. Bill blushed, there's no escape now, he sighed and laid back down, relaxing, his face a tinted red as he play with Dipper's fluffy brown hair, sweeping a few loose brands out of Dipper's face, he could see Dipper facial relaxing again back into a peaceful sleep.

Arghh... He got it bad for Dipper... Bill groaned inside, but was happy, Bill's mind was blank as he caress Dipper's pale face, it was the first time he sees Dipper sleeping, and he could tell Dipper was needing it, since Bill had been noticing Dipper hadn't been have any proper sleep these days, or any sleep at all.

Bill stop caressing Dipper and cover his own blushing face as he tries to look the other direction, Dipper is too cute. But what can he do now, the year was about to end, how can he confess his feelings to Dipper? He couldn't just walk up, grabs Dipper, give him a kiss, then say I love you, it's just won't do, he wants to make it meaningful.

At least exams are over now, now, he could spend more time with Dipper at school and at practices, Bill thought, a smile forming on his lips. But a grumble snapped Bill back to reality, Dipper was waking up.

Bill watch as eye lids slowly opens revealing a hazy browns eyes. The hazel eyed boy woke up in a daze, he opens his eyes slowly, everything was blurry for a while, as he regains his vision, he looks to see a beautiful blonde hair boy look down at him with a soft smile on his lips, and something in his eyes.

Dipper was still hazy, his mind was slowly regaining consciousness and he snapped out of his trance staring at Bill with a startled eep as he quickly let go of Bill and sat up straight instantly.

Dipper's eyes was frantic looking around for a moment as a bright blush was making its way to his cheeks.

"Good morning Pine Tree~" Bill said as he sitting up, his legs and arms were numb and he was quite surprise to see that his top hat was still on his head.

"G-good morning B-bill" Dipper stuttered as he got up.

And that was an awkward moment where Dipper and Bill talk to each other, Dipper asking if they should grab breakfast together, which Bill agrees to, while Bill asked if he did anything stupid, and Dipper only says Bill keeps falling all the time and says thing in gibberish, coincidentally, Dipper now know that Bill can speak Latin and French fluently.

Dipper went to take a shower, will Bill regains his composure, since Bill doesn't have anything to change, he decided to only wear his pants and buttoned up shirt, it looks nice anyways, Bill brush his hair with his fingers and fold up his vest, wrapping his vest around his bow tie, top hat, and cane, he could ask Dipper for a bag or something.

At that moment, Dipper got out of the shower, he looks more awake now, with water still dripping down his hair, but other than that, Dipper was dressed in shorts and a red shirt, Bill blush when he saw that the water had damp the shirt, which made it hugs to Dipper's skin and outlining his figure.

While Dipper blushes as he attempt to dry his hair when he saw Bill. He knew that Bill wasn't in the entire suit, but seeing Bill dressed in his black dress pants with his button up shirt tucked into his pants, Dipper could say that Bill was hot, and Dipper felt slightly under dressed comparing with Bill. 

"Ready to go?" Dipper asked avoiding eye contact as he tries not to blush.

"Always" Bill said.

And both boys decided to walk their way to the Diner, nothing is better than a morning walk in Gravity Falls.

The sky is clear today, with some clouds making their way slowly over the sky, birds are chirping as they flew from place to place. And the two boys walks through the shades provided by the giant Pine Trees of the woods.

They didn't say anything to each other, just simply enjoying the moment as they walk, it was a silent moment, a comfortable moment were no words are needed.

They arrived at the diner and was greeted by Lazy Susan, then they went and sat in their all too familiar booth, but this time, when Dipper was sitting down, Bill decided to sit next to Dipper instead of on the opposite side.

Dipper was about to stutter out a complain, but a lump in his throat stop him, he didn't really mind it at all, and he's actually quite happy to sit next to Bill, and he was too embarrass to say anything to Bill anyway to he decided to stay silent instead.

The day was great, after eating with some jokes and gossips passing to each other, Dipper wave to Bill as he watch Bill walk back to his own house. Today was nice, it was a nice Sunday, and Dipper couldn't wait to see Bill at school, his heart pumps fastly at the though of that, Dipper felt as if he was a cloud in heaven and he skip home happily, ignoring a confused look from his Grunkle Stan.

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