Part 13

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Dipper is sitting in the chair of the school theatre, next to Bill and Mabel, everone is sitting and watching Emma and Emily.

"So exams is over! Yay!" Emma exclaimed and everyone cheered. "And the play is next week!"

"So we need to practice the whole play over and over again! So it'll be one fo the best memories between us!" Emily shouted. "So today, I want you guys to act the whole play out, and during that time, we will call each of you guys to try out the costumes that Mabel here is so generous to make for us!"

Everyone clap and cheered. "Yay! Mabel!"

"Aw... It's nothing, you guys can even keep it after the play! A gift from me!" Mabel laughed and everyone cheered louder, nobody knows what the costumes looks like but they saw a snippet of the sketch and it' beautiful.

"But today, we just want to make sure it fits to you, but main cast! I don't want anyone else to see you and the outfit yet, so no picture taken" Emily added.

"Awww..." Everyone grumbled in dissapointment. "We want to see the main role in their costume..."

"Come on! The play is next week! You'll see them! And you'll get to wear yours today." Emma said.

"But why though?" Dipper asked.

"Let's just say, we want the real reaction when the lovers meet each other!" Emma winked and nudge Emily, who is grinning.

"Now less complaining, and more acting!" Emilly said.

"Now Goerge, we want to check your costume out first" Emma said as everyone makes their way on stage.

"Remember! Bill you start in the left wing and Dipper on the right wing! So stop trying to go over  to each other and talk or something!" Emily shouted as she and Emma lead George to the changing room.

"Wha- We don't do that!" Dipper stuttered.

"Come on! Practice time!" Madison said excitedly.

"Okay okay, stop making fun of us already" Bill said as he stretchs and walks to the stage.

you..." Dipper finished his song.

"Dipper! outfit!" Emma called out.

'Finally' Dipper thoughted, it's almost end of practice and he would want to know how ridiculous he would look in the outfit.

"Sure!" Dipper breathed out, he was out of breath, sweats threatining to fall from his face as he quickly make his way to the two girls.

"Okay, so I want you to try out a prototype" Emily said as they walk around the stage.

"prototype?" He asked.

"Well, we want to make it interesting for the play, so you'll try out the least interesting one out of the two" Emma added.

"Wait, there's two?!" Dipper questioned more.

"Yeah, one that you'll always where, and one for the final ending" Emily said making a rainbow dazzling gesture from her hands.

"But we'll make sure to have your sister make more adjustment, and we'll add the finishing touches" Emma said.

"I'm kind of worried about that" Dipper stated, they made a corner and is behind the stage, a dark area where there are some rooms for getting ready of their costumes or just practice in there.

"Here" Emma said opening the door to a sun light filled room filled with fabric and outfits in bags to keep them safe, and also, there's Mabel, who is equipped with needles and thread with a mad fashion driven in her eyes.

"Hey Mabel!" Dipper greeted.

"Dipper! Finally! I can't wait until I see you in the finishing product! But for this time, try this o behind those covers there!" Mabel said quickly and excitedly shove Dipper behind a board that had curtains covering all around him.

Mabel left him to chat with Emma and Emily, while Dipper tries to get the dress on. He was struggling with blindly pulling the dress down, grunting as he painfully get the white looking dress on. It was very plain.

"Oh my god Dipper! Be quicker! I can't wait!" Mabel complained.

"Sorry for not being an expert of wearing dresses!" Dipper replied sarcastically.

"Oh! I forgot! put these on also!" Dipper heard Mabel shouted as a clothing was thrown over his curtain, he strecth it out to see what it is.

"Wait, is this- STOCKINGS?!" Dipper shouted and he could hear the girls giggle.

"Just put them on!" Emma shouted.


"DO IT" Emily said in a threatening voice.

Dipper gulped. "O-okay" he sighed.

He quickly put them on and slowly open the curtains, 'this is so embarassing' he thoughted.

"Oh my god Dipper! You look so cute in a dress!" Mabel exclaimed.

"But isn't this plain?" Dipper asked, when it comes to fashion, Mabel goes all crazy, he remembers one time where she attempts to make a youtube channel, she made a video name 'Mabel's guide to Fashion' and although she does not put it in the video, the house ends up with 80s style and neon looking clothe.

Dipper was lucky he didn't wash his clothe when he was 12, thanks to that, Mabel left it alone with a lot of ew and yucks.

"Yeah, but get on that platform, we want to do some extra skecthes and adjustment" Mabel said and Dipper obeyed.

"Yeah now have your arms wide and posture straight, good." Mabel said and walk over the the girls mumbling secretly and pointing to a piece of paper unseen by the clipboard their holding.

Dipper, bored, decided to zome out, but he got this feeling of being watch, it must be the girls studying him, but he felt the tingling feeling on his back, 'you know what?' Dipper thoughted, he's going to risk it, he looks behind him, seeing a window high on the wall, the sun was too bright, but Dipper thought he saw a silouhette, eh, must be a bird or something-

"Dipper!" Emma shouted.

"Stand straight!" Emily added.

"S-sorry!" He squeaked and got back into posture, and stayed like that until the girls finished and let him change.

"Now, only Bill left! Dipper! You can go home first! I'm staying behind!" Mabel shouted as he left the room.

"Suit yourself!" He shouted back and walk out to see the stage quite empty, people are going home.

"Okay! Last person! Bill!" Emma called out.

"Coming!" Bill shouted as he walks quickly over to them.

"S-see you tomorrow!" Dipper said with all his courage as Bill pass him.

"See ya!" Bill smiled at him, hand behind his blonde hair as Bill smile with teeth showing, Dipper heart seems to stop at that second, if it doesn't seems to, then he'll be dead from the feeling.

"Y-yeah heh-eh-eh" Dipper laughed akwardly.

With that, the brunette quickly got his stuff and ran out of the theatre, quickly out of the school, once he pass the school gates he calmed down, hand on his chest as hus heart thumps wildly.

"Urgh..." He groaned, he's getting too nervous around Bill! How are they going to be friends if he be so akward all the time!

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Dipper scold his self as he hit his head with his hands.

He makes his way home, hands shoved into his pockets as he quickly walk home, he felt staring at him, must be the townsfolk, considering his face is bright red right now.

'Why must he be so akward so much sometimes!?'

He thought as he groan loudly when nobody's around.

"I wish life is easy" He grumbled as he make his way into the Mystery Shack.

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