Part 5

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After telling Mabel about what happened at the Mystery Shack, Mabel keep insisting that it's a date while Dipper declines it as a hang out only. Anyways, despite Mabel's constant blabbering,  Dipper refused her help, she can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, but in the end, Mabel agreed.

Dipper is currently in his room, it was dark outside, and he was having his journals out trying to write more ideas, but he somehow can't help but feel very excited, sure, it's a time he get to hang out with Bill, and Bill seems like a great guy, but he knows that he is way too excited than normal.

Dipper sighed, he can't think when he feels like this, so he slammed shut his journal, maybe he could do something to get his mind of things, because time seems to move very slow. Maybe he could pack for tomorrow, you can never be too prepared, Dipper thought to himself. He wanders to his messenger bag and stuffed his journal inside it, including some pens, his wallet, and some other stuff that might be useful.

Then Dipper wanders to his closet, he rans his hand through his clothes and pick out a set a clothe that might be good for tomorrow, Dipper looks through his clothe, careful not to mess up his closet, he wouldn't want to organise to again.

In the end, Dipper picked out a pair of black long pants, and orange shirt, his blue constellation design jacket, his Pine Tree hat, a pair of sock, and his sneakers. Dipper thinks it's a good outfit, so he set it on his bed side table and went to get a charger for his phone. 

He went to turn of his lights and went back to lay in his bed having his phone out, charging.

PT: Hey

Dipper sent.

BC: Hello Pine Tree~

PT: So 10 am tomorrow right?

BC: Yep! And at the Mystery Shack

BC: Never went there before


PT: It's quite famous along the town attractions

PT: It's as famous as the Diner

BC: Diner?

PT: You know... Greasy's Diner, they have the best pancakes in town.

PT: And pies also!

BC: Oh, That diner, it's my favourite place to eat!

PT: Yeah, but I'm still wondering...

PT: What will we be doing that will boost my  confidence?

BC: I have my ways... Just like my charms

PT: Pfft! You and your charms, what charms?

BC: Yeah yeah, go and have your beauty sleep

BC: It's pretty late already

PT: Sure

PT: See you tomorrow!

BC: See ya!

Dipper smiled and turned off his phone, he yawned as he make himself comfortable inside his bed. Dipper snuggled into his blanket and closed his eyes, his breath evened out as he slip away from consciousness.

Dipper woke up next morning, yawning as he check his phone, which was 8:30 in the morning, he got up and went to the bathroom, freshen up and wear his set of clothe that he readied yesterday, he got his bag then head downstairs, it was 9:30 now and Dipper decided to sat in the sofa at the front porch enjoying the fresh air.

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