Part 27

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He blush as he remembered that summer, but it's over now, he is currently in his college, Stanford University, he scrolls through his phone, leaning against his dorm room door as he remember his certain crush for a certain boy.

Dipper is leaning against him dorm door, room 618, too anxious to go in, what if his roommate is in there? He doesn't know, he had just finished a phone call from Mabel, it seems that she and Paz is having a great time in their college.

He sighed and rest his weight on the door, suddenly the door pull back and he fell backwards with a "ah!".

He crashed into someone and they boy fell on the ground with a thump.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" Dipper said, quickly stood up as he blush in embarrassment, he turns around to look at the person, supposedly his roommate.



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