Part 24

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The week, or he thought it was a week since he was able to get out of that dark room... Dipper couldn't know, it could've been a few days, a week, maybe even a few weeks, he doesn't know, it's not like he can keep time, he didn't see any clue of the sun so he believes that he is somewhere underground or something.

Dipper sighed, he is slouching on the couch as he stares at the space in front of him, he is sitting in darkness, why? Because is oh so 'loving' king is asleep. He can't sleep, his sleeping schedule is messed up and he is very tired.

He is tired from not having a proper rest, he is tired of feeling so helpless being away from his family and friends, and he is so TIRED from being here with Gideon, tired from being a crazed kid's lover, tired of being like a servant, tired of being beaten.

 Yes, beaten, Dipper sighed, lieing down and gently rub his hand, the shackles weigh them down and it hurts his hand whenever the metal rub against it. He kicks his leg in the air, before he can lifts it any higher than the couch, it was restricted by the heavy metal all, the ankles of his leg hurts and he is sure it is red and have some scratches.

And he lies face up, his cheeks aches  from the times he rebeled against Gideon, where he refuses to do something from Gideon's demands, like kissing the guy or dealing the uncomfortable touches, he has some bruised from Gideon's rough grips. He was happy that Mable had never gone close to dating this thing, since he can defitnitly claim Gideon as a monster and abusive.

Dipper cried, he crys silently, he can't take this, he wants to be at home, ready to go to college, spending time with his sister and Bill, doing illegal things with Stan, being in the woods, being around the ones he loves, being... himself.

The only thing he can do now is hope, hope that he can be rescued, hope that this nightmare is not perminant, hope that... all of this will end.

And so staring at the darkness as tears clouds his vision, Dipper slowly closes his eyes, letting his subconscious taking over.

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