Part 22

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He's done crying, only sitting there in the darkness.

'There is no use sitting there and cry, I have to do something!'

He thought, if he makes this situation terrible, then it'll be terrible, he have to be able to do something!

'I will either be saved or rescue myself!'

He thought, the police are probably looking for him right now, maybe they had gotten some clue! He just need to buy time and distract Gideon, maybe that will help him being recued faster and easier! And if not, then he can just save himself by buying time and learning information.

He knows what he need to do, for everyone's sakes and his.

He need to play along...

(I also upgraded the book's cover! Like it? I know most of you would skip any description at the start so I'll tell you guys here!)

Yes! He needs to!

Dipper thought, he is not crying anymore, there are no use in crying and by helpless, he needs to take action! Dipper is filled with determination and perseverance, and so he sat there and wait patiently, planning out his every moves.

Finally, even though he does not know how many time had passed, he heard a familiar metal door opening and foot steps. Dipper sat straight up and made a helpless face, he is quite great at acting when joining the musical.

"Ahh...  How is my queen doing?" Gideon asked, smiling creepily as he stands in front of Dipper, the brunette only looks at him, being silent.

"You know people are looking for you? They are quiet annoying, although, it's fun seeing them running around" Gideon chuckled slowly. "But they get on my nerves sometime, maybe the rest of the Pines would want some of my wraths..."

"Please!... Don't do anything to them..." Dipper pleade, his voice cracked as he quickly leans forward to Gideon. "I'll be your queen, I'll do everything you ask me to do, just leave them alone..." Dipper said it, inside, he felt as if he wanted to spit out axit.

"Heheheh! That's what I wanted to hear!" Gideon smiled happily. "What a great start already! Isn't it?"

"I- yes..." Dipper whispered.

"Great! Now do as I say, I will release you from this chair and you'll have to follow me and follow orders, and if you disobey, I can always hurt your family." Gideon said happily, as if he did nothing wrong.

Dipper gulped. "Yes-"

"And you shall call me your king" Gideon added.

"Yes... my king"

Gideon nodded in approval, he quickly got out of the room and went back in no time, he had some a key, a knife, a leash and many more items...

Dipper observe as Gideon first attack the black leash to his neck, it was black and had spikes as decoration, and there is a chain attached to it, which Gideon holds on to. Then the white haired boy use the knife to cut all the rope wrap around him, then took a key to unlocked a lock, which caused all the chains to falls to the ground.

Then he grabbed Dipper's arm harshly and untie it, only to shackle each hand with heavy cuffs that was heavy and would slow Dipper's movement, at least they're no attached , and finally, he  untie Dipper's legs, which he shackled Dipper's right foot to a heavy ball, it looks as big as a bowling ball, but in reality, it was much more heavier.

"Now follow me sweetie" Gideon said pulling the chains of the leash lightly.

"Yes my king" Dipper said, following behind as he drags the bowl with his foot.

The two walk out of the dark room, and Dipper took this time to study every detail of the area he is in. The room he was in was actually smaller than he had thought, he guess the darkness only makes it bigger.

 Gideon leads him to a much bigger room, on the side is a kitchen, on the farther end of the rooms seems to be a sofa in front of a television, and is the middle of the room seems to be a dining table, there are also two doors in the back.

What Dipper doesn't see is a window, which confuse him and makes him feel kind of claustrophobic.

"This is where we'll be staying, you can go outside until I can trust you enough and know that you've fallen in love with me." Gideon said. "And sweetie, that's the bathroom and that's my room, where we'll sleep, anything you want to say dear?"

"I- um... Can I sleep  on the sofa instead? It may be too soon for me to sleep in the same room with you" Dipper said innociently.

"Of course of course my queen, that's delightful that you're starting to think more clearly now" Gideon giggled. "But I think you would want to get out of that awful dress, I have a better dress for you" Gideon said pointing to the dress that Dipper is wearing, that dress that he wore to prom.

Dipper had forgotten he got it on, and didn't appreciated the fact that Gideon had insulted this beautiful dress that Mabel had made for him.

"I agree" Dipper faked a small smile, the fakest smile you'll ever see.

"Good good, now you can go and change in the bathroom!" Gideon said and shoved an outfit into Dipper's arm. "Go on, I'll wait!"

Dipper took the outfit and went into the bathroom, it's quite small though, only a toilet and a sink, with some space to change, he took off the dress and hang it on a hanger, staring at it for a moment, he misses Mabel... and Bill... and Grunkle Stan... and everyone...

He look at the dress Gideon had given him and stared at it in digust, it was a maid outfit, atleast it's a dress, or he would have trouble getting pants on with his ankle tied to a metal ball.

He got it on, it was quite hard with the sleeves, considering the he was cuffed with heavy and bulky shackels, atleast they were wide, no thin so it didn't hurt his hand, at first he was thankful it was not revealing in anyway, but he was wrong, t...

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He got it on, it was quite hard with the sleeves, considering the he was cuffed with heavy and bulky shackels, atleast they were wide, no thin so it didn't hurt his hand, at first he was thankful it was not revealing in anyway, but he was wrong, the bottom was shorter than he thought, he's pretty sure he broke a school dress code for the length of the dress.

When he was done, he step out of the bathroom.

"I'm done" Dipper said.

Gideon look to see Dipper, going up to him and smiled.

"You look wondeful dear~ Let me get this on!" Gideon smiles in a creepy way and put a white headband into Dipper's hair.

"Done, you look beautiful my queen," Gideon smiled grabbing Dipper's hand and kiss on it, Dipper wanted to pull away in digust and gag, but didn't.

He needs to play along until he finds a way out, who knows how long it will be...

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