Part 7

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A whole month had past, things were fine and dandy, Bill and Dippers' relationship had been close and closer very much. Bill had became more flirtatious to Dipper, telling some inappropriate jokes and some pick up lines, which took Dipper a while, sometimes some explaining from Mabel, most time searching on the internet, got Dipper to understand what the joke was about and overtime, Dipper would be red faced from it.

Dipper, had somewhat admit, ok, he admit to himself that he has feelings for Bill, Dipper kept it hidden though, but he couldn't help to feel nervous around Bill sometimes. 

Other than that, things were great for Dipper, the play was going great, they got through a lot of scenes, and Dipper had no problem acting them out, he even made some friends in the theatre. Dipper had his trick, when he play his female role, Elise, when he had to act lovey dove, he thinks of Mabel when she has new crushes, but his feelings for Bill somehow comes out when he acts and Emma said he had some acting talent, although he knows it's real.

Right now, Dipper had an earphone in one of his ears, playing a nice tune, he was sketching magical looking areas, and ufos in his journal, but when he felt a gush of wind past him, meaning someone decided to enter the cafeteria with the door fully open. Dipper look up while Bill and Mabel chat intensely with the group.

Dipper person Dipper saw shocked him, he was frozen, scared, fear clawed at his throats as his skin turns pale white, in front of him, was the person who had tormented his sister and him when they're young. The person who was mad and crazy, who decided to do things over the top. The person who is infamous in Gravity Falls.

The cafeteria went silent, students who hadn't been in Gravity Falls long enough to know the news asked questions to their friend beside them, which was cut off by a shh! and a small and silent his explanation.

"Hey Dipper, you okay? You look like you saw a ghost" Mabel said noticing things are strange right now, but stop when she hears foot step making their way to their table/

Mabel turns around to see in front of her was Gideon Gleeful.

"G-gideon" Dipper said with fear.

"My my, isn't it the Pines" replied a thick southern accent.

"Gideon! what are you doing here?!" Mabel replied full of hate, it was weird to hear something so threatening like that from Mabel, but people could still hear the fear in her voice.

"You see, after all these years, I've became a better person, and I am here for a new start and make amends" The sickly voice from the white hair boy.

His hair is less big now thankfully, but you can tell he use to make conditioner and gel, instead of wearing a weird blue suit, Gideon is wearing long pants, a simple shirt, and a jacket, it still seems formal somehow.

"I'm sorry for what I did, I was a crazed and foolish child and ask for your forgiveness" Gideon said putting a hand on his chest. "And I want to apologise properly and be a better person in your eyes."

"I have not intentions to pursue you, Mabel, not anymore and I don't want any bad blood between us" Gideon said sounded sincerely, his eyes flickered to Dipper a bit, it went unnoticed, but not for Bill.

Mabel sighed, everyone was staring at her table, and she does not want to cause a scene, and she likes to give people second chances.

"I can't say I forgive you entirely from what you did in the past, but a few years in that building, I hope you become a better person, but I will see you no more than an acquaintance." Mabel said and shook his hand.

"Thank you, that's all I needed to hear," Gideon said. "And I would like to apologise to you, Dipper also, for all I did in the past, I hope it did not caused you much problems, and maybe, we could not be enemies, instead, maybe friends." Be said turning his attention to Dipper now, who is weary and surprised that he is being apologised to.

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