Part 18

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Everyone was at the Mystery Shack, it is very late at night and they're still in there prom clothes. Mabel was crying her eyes out as Bill walks in circle angrily and with guilt, Candy and Grenda were silent but are still trying to calm Mable.

They weren't success with the mission of finding Gideon, the group started with informing the police, luckily, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland took this seriously, more with the mention of Gideon, although they told that the group that even though it's Gideon's doing, they need to have some proof, so Gideon is currently the only suspect.

The police gave the group a ride around town, they even went to his house, but it was empty, they didn't give and and broke into the building, which was dark and messy, with scattered paper, some were blank, some were pictures drawn of a person with brown hair in a dress, drawn with terrible crayon, but a piece stood out, it was a letter from Gideon's parent.

It turns out that because of Gideon's crimes years ago and ended up in a mental asylum, they had abandoned him with a small loan of money. Mabel would've felt sorry for him if she wasn't filled with hatred of that white haired boy, but with Dipper missing, the hatred adds on more.

The two police had inform the case to the police station, and they had gathered the drawings and letter as an evidence to Gideon's possible motives. The group was quite thankful for their seriousness to the help of finding Dipper, the  police even told them that if they found any further clues, inform them right away.

They all went back to the Mystery Shack, Grenda and Candy called their parents saying they'll be staying with Mable for the night, which their parents agreed, Bill is walking in circle angrily, although his eyes are watering, and Mable, sobs had gotten to whimpers now. The gorup of friends were silent, but was broken as Stanley came out of his room to the kitchen, seeing the devasted group.

"Woah! Kids, almost gave me a heart attack there" Stan breathed out. "How was the night pumpkin, what's wrong?" He asked Mabel, who quickly tackled him into a hug and start sobbing into his shirt.

"It's *hic* It's Dipper!" Mabel sobbed. "He's m-missing!" Stan hugs Mabel as the rest stood there silently.

"Missing? Where could he even be?!" Stan asked worriedly.

"Gideon!" Bill answered. "It's Gideon."

"Gideon" Stan recite that name with digust "Tell me all about it." He demanded.

And Bill did, he told Stan about the weird encounters of him and Dipper with Gideon, letting Candy explaining what she witnessed at the party, and Grenda explaining what they're tryign to do.

"I-.... I swear to god the next time I see that kid, I will fucking kill him" Stan mumbled furiously, his figure shaking as he pat Mable calming her.

He sighed. "You kids got an emotional day, it's better for you to go upstair and catch some sleep, we could start finding him tomorrow" Stan said and they agreed.

The group silently walk upstairs with Stan watching them.

"Don't worry Mable we'll find him..." Bill said to Mable as she enters her room.

"I'll find you" Bill mumbled when he entered Dipper's room.

He walk up to the bed and grabbed Mr.Beary Blue, the stuffed panda duck he had given to Dipper since their arcade trip, he got under the covers, hugging the creature close to him as he stairs at the ceiling in darkness.

"I'll find you."

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