Part 14

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Dipper thought as he was wide awake, his anxiety is acting up, saying this week is an overstatement, the play is actually in two more days, which means graduation is tomorrow. Gravity Falls high does have some weird schedules somethimes.

But that means tomorrow is graduation and the next day is prom and play!!!

Oh, oh god



He is so nevous right now! Scared even! wide eyes as his breath is short.

He was having trouble breathing! He was, he was going to have a panic attack!

Calm down! Calm down!

He thought as his vision is blurry and black dots are threatening to appear

Think of Mabel!


He thought, calming down somewhat but not enough

He need to think about something else to calm him down!

Think about

Think about Bill!

The way Bill looks...

The way Bill laughs...

The way Bill has always treated him...

The way Bill is a devil yet an angel...

They way Bill is that-

that he likes-

or maybe, even lo-

Dipper breaths out evenly, taking deep breaths, he can't belive it, he was about to have a RELASPE! He just need to calm down, like Mabel always say, 'take a chill pill' which is always jelly beans she got from somewhere unknown.

Not like Mabel he decided to sit up and go to the bathroom, he opens the medicine cabinet and digs through it into the back of the container, feeling his hand on a bottle.

He quickly took a pill out and swallows it, drowing it with tap water, the medicine will help him sleep. So he quickly got into bed, he needs to be physically ready for tomorrow. With that, he went to bed.

Dipper woke up, he is physically ready, but not mentally, although he had a somewhat long sleep, but nightmares seems to tire him out, there are visions as if to warn something that is going to happen to him, but on trip to the shower and he forgot about it, the only thing left was a painful headache, which, Dipper had took an aspirin to make it better.

Dipper was just finished chaning when Mabel barges into his room shouting loudly.

"It's Graduation day! Get ready! We have to be early for school! Stan is also coming later!" mabel shouted excitedly.

And so, it was an eventful morning, senior  students was handed those graduation robes and hats, as the teach explains to them what to happen, the teacher calls them up, they take the diploma and get off the stage, seems easy enough.

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