Part 9

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A month had passed, things were going... quite well, to say the least. The play was going great, Dipper was doing fine, he didn't get into any trouble, Dipper is constantly studying, because exams are coming up, even the school play council decided that there wouldn't be any practice this week for people to study and do the exam.

Things were fine, well, if you didn't count the award encounter with Gideon that Dipper had...

There was that one time when he accidentally ran into Gideon at the pharmacy...

"Dipper! Go get some aspirin! we're running out! And maybe a med kit too!" Stan rough voiced shouted at Dipper across the shack.

"But why would you need them?" Dipper shouted back.

"Scamming stuff! I need to make Soos look like an injured man! Get people's pity you know?" Stan answered" Now grab this twenty and go buy me some!"

"Sure thing!" Dipper said and grabbed the money, he ran to the pharmacy quickly, another ducktective episode is going to show and he wouldn't want to miss the revealing of who killed Doctor Mc Quacky?!

Arriving at the pharmacy, he bumped into someone, causing them to completely drop their stuff.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking" Dipper said quickly grabbing the medicine that was dropped on the ground.

He look closely at them and squinted, sleeping pills, he look to see the person getting up, it was Gideon.

"Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry Gideon" Dipper said putting the pills back into the plastic bag and gave a hand to Gideon, who took it.

"It's fine, I wasn't looking also" Gideon sighed, dusting off his clothe.

"It's okay..." Dipper said. "Y-you have sleeping problems?"

"Well yes, I had insomnia when I stayed at the asylum, it's not that bad though" Gideon sighed.

"I'm so sorry that happened" Dipper said concerned, he is too nice sometimes.

"It's fine" Gideon said smiling sadly. "I'll see you around..."

"Yeah..." Dipper said. "Bye..."

"A med kit and some aspirin please!" Dipper sat to the clerk.

"Pine Tree!"

"Oh, hey Bill!"

He felt kind of bad for what happened to Gideon in the asylum, but there was also that one time when he and Bill ran into Gideon in the art storage with the strings and chains again.

"Oh, it's you Gideon" Dipper sighed out of relieve, he was afraid there was a ghost or something, while Bill glare at Gideon, going unnoticed by both people.

"Ah, it's you, Dipper and your friend" Gideon sighed struggling to hold the chains and strings.

"It's Cipher" Bill said.

"What brings you here?" Gideon asked nervously.

"Oh, just need to grab some supplies for the play" Dipper answered and Gideon gave him a glance, Dipper not noticing while Bill did, and it made Bill frowned more.

"What play?" Gideon asked.

"Well, it's just a play for the end of the year, nothing special at all" Bill said waving it off, he don't want more people like Gideon to know there's going to be a play.

"That sounds fun, I might come to watch" Gideon said.

"Yeah... anyways, what are you doing with those?" Dipper asked pointing to the things Gideon is holding.

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