Part 12

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Dipper was watching TV, swinging his feet childishly as he watch his favourite show, 'ducktective: the complicated love of two best friends', what a weird episode for a mystery solving show, Dipper thought as he watch the TV.

Mabel skips through the living room, passing the stupid smiling looking Dipper as she decide to go to the kitchen, wait... stupid smiling looking Dipper? She halt to a stop immediately and peered over to see her little twin brother happily watching ducktective as he somehow look as if he was thinking of something else.

"What got cha' in such a good mood bro bro?" Mabel asked curiosly.

"Just thinking about stuff" Dipper replied blushing slightly as he focus on the two best friend on the television, both boys are joining in on a case with the ducktetective.

"Oh, okay" Mabel replied instantly, but, wait, Dipper, blushing? "But who are you thinking about?"

"Oh it's just B- stuff!" Dipper replied as he direct his attention to Mabel now, face red and sweating slightly.

"Ohhhhh" Mabel gasped. "You're thinking about someone!!!" Mabel accused, grinning as Dipper seems to fluster and stutters out of his words.

"It's not about someone!" Dipper defended, but his voice cracked to his dismay.

"So it is about someone~ who?" Mabel asked slyly. "Do you have a crush on them? Is it a boy? Is he blonde?" Mabel asked hinting 'something'.

"uh... I, I'll talk to you later!" Dipper squeaked as he dash up stairs and into his room.

Mabel sighed and giggled, Dipper is so obvious yet so oblivious a lot of times, she couldn't stop texting Pacifica about what happened as she turn off the tv, which it was at the scene of a brunette kissing a platinum blond.

It was monday morning again, no more exams, no more work needed, the play is coming a long and most students are adding final tough to their resume and college applications, just to be short, Dipper was thankful that there are no project left anymore, just some unfinished work for some other students.

"Attention seniors! You all have finished your exams! It'll be end of the school year soon and prom is coming up next week! Be sure to find a date and be ready to vote for prom king and queen. The school play will be before the prom so be sure to check it out!" The announcement speaker spoke out.

That's great it also means, less days left for school, almost the end of high school. Dipper was finally relieved from many works, now, class is more of a free time and the brunette could see some students sleeping on the table, literally, with a pillow and blanket, but the teacher doesn't seem to mind, some teacher decided to stay in their lounge instead.

So Dipper sat down and look at the possible college he should go to, he has 3 choices; Yale, Stanford, or Havard, hmmm... what to choose, what to choose? He had applied to all three just incase if he didn't get into one, and to his suprise, all three accept him.

Dipper was sitting in the same spot for half of a day argueing to hisself when he finally decided to go to Stanford University, it'll be a great school, he decided when he heard the lunch bell.

He stood up, then went to the cafeteria, he saw his sister, her friends, and Bill.... They were all eating pizza.

"Woah, I didn't know our school have pizza?" Dipper theorically asked suprised.

"They don't" Mabel answered.

"We ordered them" Bill finished his slice "want some" he offered to Dipper, which Dipper gratefully take one, who doesn't love pizza? Well, it is not Dipper, and his affection for Bill is much more than Pizza, it's THAT much, and he couldn't help but feel quite nervous as he sat next to Bill.

"AY YO!" The person in another called out.

"Sup!" Bill asked.

"Wanna trade? Pizzas for chicken nuggets?" They offered.

"Sure!" Bill said happily, he gave the table a pizza box while they gave Bill a box full of chicken nuggets.

"Yay! I want to have some!" Grenda cheered and ate two at the same time.

"Oh, me too!" Candy said grabbing one.

"Eh..." Dipper said still eating his pizza.

"So~ the play is next week, are you guys excited?" Candy asked.

"Duh! And after that is prom!" Mabel said excitedly.

"Speaking of prom..." Pacifica spoke up clapping her hands twice as the group look at her curiously. Suddenly, roses fall on Mabel, surrounding her as two looking butlers guys come up with a giant fold up card with a red heart in the middle.

"Mabel" Pacifica said signalling the butlers to open the card with two claps of a hand again. "Will you go to prom with me?" She asked and so is what written in the card with elegant looking words.

"Of course! You're the best girlfriend ever!" Mabel gasped and people started to clap, cheering, it is always so cute to see people trying to ask the ones they like to prom.

"Awww" Grenda and Candy awes at the same time.

Dipper smiled happily watching the two, and so did Bill, and weirdly, their minds suddenly fantasize of asking each other to prom, Dipper blush brightly as he quickly snap out of it, while Bill was still lost in his thoughts.

"Pacifica, you're so sweet" Mabel cooed kissing her on the cheeks.

"Oh, it's nothing, the best for my girlfriend, but you should be worrying about your oblivious brother there"

"Hey!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Yeah Dipper, you should go and ask the person you're crushing on to prom" Mabel said, slightly sarcasticly.

"Wait, crushing on?!?!" Bill exclaimed a bit to loud than normal as he suddenly snapped of his daydreaming.

"Oooh~" Grenda, Candy, and Pacifica said together, they can tell where this is going.

"Yeah, he's like been smiling like an idiot aaaaaaaaaaaall day, problaly thinking about him, wouldn't tell me who it is though" Mabel said in the most fake voice you'll ever heard of, but Bill was too jealous to notice and Dipper was to embarass to know.

Mabel grinned, making eye contact to the girls, through their girl communicating through the eyes, they all know there will be drama and cuteness to come.

"Him?" Bill asked, the word stand out from Mabel's answer, he was leaning over the table, close to Mabel, it was so close that Mabel herself can see the jealousy and territorial in Bill's eyes burning brightly, which to say, is not close at all.

"Yeah, but Dipper, why don't you tell us who it is?" Mabel cooed.

"I-it's nothing! I d-don't have a crush on HIM, o-ok?" Dipper stuttured red face, this is a situation he doesn't want to be in.

Mabel quickly nudge Pacifica.

"Yeah, I believe him, he's too clueless to be able to pick up a hot boy, so why don't you go with Bill?" Pacifica said, smirking at the reaction she got.

"B-bill?" Dipper stuttered, oh no, this is getting worse, his heart is thumping and his face is blushing madly.

"Yeah, not like there is a problem or something" Pacifica said laughing on the inside. "Unless..."

"Y-yeah yeah! That's a great idea! Bill and I could go to prom together! What do you say Bill?" Dipper blurted out instantly, not thinking through what he say.

The fire in Bill's eyes wash away instantly and he seems to be happy again. "Sure, of course" He smiled kindly, this is a chance to confess his feelings, prom, not any more romantic than that, can it?

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