Introduction- Why not lol

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Hello kitties~

I am going to be doing yaoi, yuri, x readers, and... Anything really. It will definitely be more lemon than fluff. Because I don't know if it is just me, but when I add a book to my library that says "Lemons" I expect graphic- sometimes not too graphic, but you know... But I do not expect it being all fluff. Like, when you reading and your like 'aww cute' and then you get to the end of the story and you're like "wtf? No lemon??"
So I am going to do my best to not do that, and me being lazy won't even do that. If I want to do a fluff chapter then I'll go make another book called Hetalia Fluff but no... Just noooo. Anyways~

Here are my ships... It might be a little struggled because I don't think I have ever wrote my ships down... So this is my first- yay~
Anyways. Who ever I don't mention I probably don't ship, but even if you didn't see a ship that you like and want a lemon on it- then just tell me and I will put it in an upcoming chapter. Because I like making my kitties(readers) happy! Happy reader = happy author. Because if you're anything like me: when your readers vote or comment it makes you happy. If you see your book has been added to someones library it makes you happy! But that is just me.

To the ships!~
(I am not putting ship names but I am doing character x character instead.)

Germany x Italy

Prussia x Hungry

Japan x America

America x England(that felt weird not putting USUK oh well lol)

England x Japan(little low-key but I do ship it)

Japan x Greece(Japan has been mentioned three times now... Oh well lol)

Norway x Iceland

Sweden x Finland

(struggling now because I thought I had more ships...)

Italy x Japan(low key though)

Oh... Teehee~

Chibitalia x Holy Roman Empire (not sure I could make a lemon out of this though...)

Spain x Romano(... I thought I already put this one I guess not lol)

Canada x Prussia(not sure how much I really do ship this one but!!! I think it's kinds cute)

Wellllll... Oh dear... There was only one girl XD
For lemon's sake I will be doing brother x Brother kind of things so like~~~

America x Canada

Prussia x Germany

Italy x Romano

Stuff like that

Cough Belarus x Ukraine(just because they are sisters, and I would love to do a lemon consisting of huge tits!!) cough


Now... As for threesomes...

I guess a big one would be

Character x Reader x Character

Also reminding of reader!!

Like... There WILL be a Russia x Reader even though he wasn't mentioned in any of the ships... I just... I don't think I ship him with ANYONE... Really... Poor Russia T0T


There will be
Nyo!Character x Character

Maybe even
Nyo!Character x Nyo!Character

I don't know yet~~
But it will be starting out simple. Anyways... Sorry for the long intro but I guess that all I can do is apologize, but at least you know what is going on now~ Yay

As for a schedule​... I wouldn't mind updating like twice a week or more, who knows?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
This is NekoReaper13 as of Jul 26 at 10:41 p.m... And... Well. In a later chapter I stated that I threw my schedule outside to die of the black plague... Or something along those lines. I even put it in the story description lol!
But... No promises because I always promise dates and then I miss them *sobs*
But I guess I could try... Every Monday and Wednesday/Thursday. I don't know. But If I start today(Thursday) I would be publishing this and then doing a quick first lemon. What better way that to jump right in? AmIRite?!?*awkward laughing* going to write that lemon now...

Write at you later my kitties

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