America x Reader[Lemon]

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Happy birthday America~
My bb's lemon shall now commence~

         You were skipping down the walkway to Alfred's. He had been your boyfriend for several months. You had a leash in hand and a golden retriever puppy on the other end. It was hopping and running all over the place. You had to keep a strong hold onto the leash. Once you had arrived at his home you grabbed you key. He had gave you a key for his house because he wanted you to feel at home whenever you came. You unlocked the door and let the dog run in. You dropped you bag by the couch and tried to find Alfred. You walked around and then looked down into the basement. He was there on the couch asleep, video game controller in hand. You walked down the stairs, the puppy following you close behind. You sat down next to him and planted a gently kiss on him lips. He stirred and opened his eyes. As soon as he did the puppy jumped up into his lap and started licking him.

        "Ahg!! Wha?!" He yelped, then started laughing and stroking the pup. You laughed while Alfred stroked the dog. After he had got the dog off and wiped his eyes he smiled at you, "Did you get him for me?" Alfred asked you. You nodded.

        "I saw him at the pet store while I was looking around and I thought the would make a great companion for you. I hope you don't mind that he is what I chose..." You trailed off.

        "I don't mind at all!! He is awesome. He must look up to you like a civillion would a hero!" He exclaimed and laughed a little. You nuzzled into his neck as the pup jumped down.

        "Well... Do you know who my hero is?" You asked the handsome American.

        "Uhm... Who?" He smiled a crooked smile. You took you index finger and pulled his face closer to you using his chin.

         "Guess." You teased him. He pouted.

        "Wouldn't be me would it?" He asked, still fake pouting. You rubbed you face up against his, still nuzzling him.

        "I don't know... Maybe you'll have to show me you heroics~" You cooed to him, and ran your hand through his hair. Barely missing his curl. He put one arm around you waist and the other around your neck and pulled you into a kiss. The two of you move closer and closer together until you were in his lap and he was rubbing up and down your sides. Your knee hit it now extremely large erection. You blushed and leaned back a little.

        "W... Why are you hard?" You asked him extremely embarrassed. He smiled.

        "Just a hero notion I suppose~" He cooed to you and continued to kiss you. He moved his right hand up to paw and massage you left breast. You moaned while kissing him and then moved lower, kissing down his jaw line and all the way down to his collar bone. You then began to kiss his neck. When he let out a little moan you continued to kiss and suck on that area. After making is red with abuse you pulled his shirt off and began to kiss his chest. You licked his nipples and ran you index finger down the middle of his chest. He shuddered and kissed the top of your head, "It's no fair if you don't take your shirt off too..." He trailed off and pretend pouted again. You smiled and then took your shirt off. You reached behind you and undid you bra. He then pulled it off of you. You blushed and then covered up. He growled and then pulled your hands away.

        "Don't hide from me..." He growled and trailed off. He leaned down and comminced to sucking your right nipple. You moaned and shuddered. He massaged your left while doing so. One he was finished he switched breasts. When he was finished he moved back up to kiss you. When he was finished he looked you in the eyes, his face very serious.

        "Is this unpleasant for you?" he asked, you blushed and shook your head.

       "No it isn't... Unpleasant... More so that it is all very new..." you told him and blushed even more. He then nuzzled you.

        "Well... Do you mind if I continue?" he asked, "Continue to go... farther?" he extended his question. You blushed as he tugged at your pants.

        "No... I... I don't mind." You told him and then started to unbutton your pants. He stopped you and did it for you. You blushed as he slid them off. He started to rub you through your panties. You blushed and looked up at him with a shocked expression, then you moaned. You slung one arm over your face as he did so. Soon you were bucking you hips. He smiled and removed your panties.

        "Heh.... Y/n you're so wet..." He teased you and then inserted one finger. You let out a yelp. He then started to thrust and added fingers over time. Once he found you ready he removed his fingers and then took off his boxers.

        "May I?" He asked and he positioned himself.

        "Will... Will it fit?" You asked while blushing. He laughed.

        "Of course, but it will hurt at first.... You sure I can?" He asked. You nodded.

        "Yes, I want you to... My hero~" You cooed to him, and as if this name fueled

        He then pushed slowly inside of you and your eyes teared up. Once he had pushed all the way in he leaned over you and kissed your tears away. Once you had adjusted you started to lightly move, signalling him to go ahead. He then pulled half way out and then slammed back into you. You let out a yelp as he continued. (oh my god I only have 14 minutes left sorry if this seems rushed) He leaned forward and kissed you as he thrust. You were moaning and you started to thrust at the same time as he did.

        "Alfred! I- I feel all funny..." you trailed off and looked up at him. He smiled.

        "That is just you feeling the climax coming... Can I cum inside?" He explained and then asked.

        "Y-yes you can~" You moaned to him. he thrust quickly a few more times and you came. Only four thrusts later he pushed all the way into you and came.

        "A-Alfed- Ahh~" You moaned and collapsed on the couch. Alfred collapsed on top of you.

        "Where... Where is the do-" he looked over and blushed. You followed his gaze. The dog was staring at the two of you.

        "Wow... That is so creepy..." You remarked and then went to grab for your shirt.

        "Yes... Y/n, yes it is. Ready for some fireworks?" He asked.

          "Of course!" you exclaimed and then looked at him in a teasingly manner, "Didn't you already give me plenty?" you asked and smiled.

        "Ah! Well... I-I suppose that I did... Ugh..." He trailed off and wrapped his arms around you, "That is why I love you..." He trailed off and blushed. You smiled and blushed back.

        "I love you too, Alfie." You told him and gave him one last kiss before the two of you shot off some fireworks and had more fun later that night.

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