SpaMano [Lemon]

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        Romano was out picking tomatoes when he suddenly heard a familiar yell.
        "Rooomaaanoooo~" It was Spain. Romano sighed, he wasn't really in the mood to go against Spain at the moment. He huffed to his feet and gained his balance, when only four seconds later Spain practically jumped at him and messed his balance up so that he was just sort of hanging limply in Spain's arms.
        "Hello, Jerk Bastard..." Romano greeted quietly with a hint of blush on his face. Spain looked down at him and blinked.
        "Sooo... Does this mean that you aren't going to yell at me today?" he asked with a hit of amusement in his voice.
        "No, I don't-a think so... Too tired." Romano said and without thinking, flopped his head down on Spain's chest. Spain smiled extremely pleased from his action.
        "Hey... Romano~ I think I might have just the thing to wake you up and get you a tad bit more... Excited..." Spain said suggestively and Romano just huffed.
        Romano never gave an answer, and so Spain decided he'd grab his curl. Romano gasped and tried to jerk away but spain was a lot stronger than he looked.
        "D-don't-a do that!! You idiot.... Ahhh~" Romano trailed off happily as Spain rubbed his curl.
        "Teehee~ want to take this some where... More appropriate?" Spain asked suggestively. Romano answered with a moan.
        "Okay then!" Spain said and practically drug Romano to the house(Romano's I assume)
        Spain flopped Romano onto the bed and tore his shirt off. He began to kiss the Italian's neck.
        "Lovino... Can I do what ever I want?" Spain asked in a husky, yet politely way. Lovino responded with a moan.
        "Antonio, do what ever you like~" Lovino moaned with lust. Antonio just laughed and started removing all of his, and Lovino's clothing. Spain laughed when he noticed how excited Lovino's member was to see him. Antonio poked Lovino's member and the trailed his finger from top to bottom. Lovino bucked his hips as a reaction. Antonio smiled once more and then gabbed his member and began to thrust.
        "Ah~ T-toni.... Faster..." Lovino mumbled, his voice laced with pleasure. Antonio giggled huskily.
        After a few minutes of doing so he suddenly stopped. Lovino let out a whimper of protest and the Spaniard placed a rough and lustful kiss onto his lips. Lovino licked Antonio's lip for entry, but being the person he is, Antonio playfully denied the entry. Lovino let out a low growl from the back of his throat. Antonio laughed and pushed his tongue through Lovino's lips and explored the new area. As their tongues dances in harmony(idek... Lol) Antonio lifted Lovino into his lap.
        "Hey... Lovi?~"
        "Can I fuck you until you can't walk?" Antonio suddenly asked, his voice and attitude suddenly dark. Lovino nodded shyly with blush covering his face and Antino pinned him to the bed. He kissed him violently and then rolled him over. With out warning, nor lubrication, he pushed himself inside of the poor(is he poor?) Italian. Lovino let out a howl(Wolf?) of pain. Antonio giggled and started thrusting as hard, not to mention as far, as hr could into the Italian.
        "Oh... You're... So tight~" Antonio said between heavy breaths and thrusts. Lovino started to moan with pleasure. While Antonio was thrusting he grabbed Lovino's member and started to thrust. Lovino soon became a hot mess. After and minute of thrusting his member, Antonio stopped and started to twirl his finger around the head of Lovino's penis.
        Lovino soon came and not long after Antonio came as well.
        Together they collapsed in the bed with one another breathing heavily. Lovino, already worn out, went to sleep practically as soon as they were finished.


e-time skip
The next day~

        "Hey, Romano~"
        "What?" Romano responded angrily.
        "You seemed to really enjoy out little game... We should play again soon~" he cooed to the Italian.
        "Hah... Shut up you bastard...." Romano sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Indeed we will have to play again sometime... He thought to himself.

Wow... That sucked, I'm sorry and lazy right now. It is 3:13 in the morning and I can't sleep. Not to mention this chapter just sucked. Looked forward to another(and hopefully better) Spamano lemon.
Have a great day.(don't stay up like me... It is unhealthy(probably))

Oh!!! Btw!!
If I were to start a Oyran High School Host Club lemon book would any of you read it?? Give me feedback(I will probably start one anyways heh *sweat drop*) It won't be this long though. An x Reader with all of them and maybe a few Character x Character... Idrk yet. Just tell me what you think!!
Write at you later

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