Italy x Reader[Lemon]

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         You leaped onto the first stepping stone from the side of the wide creek. You smiled as the water rushed by you like a ton of clear and beautiful snakes. The water rushed around and splashed against the rocks. You saw the water spot on your shoes, and felt it dampen your legs; one droplet at a time. You then jumped from one rock to the next, being careful to not slip up your footing or totally miss a rock. Once you reached the other side you continued to walk.

        You always enjoyed a nice walk in the woods. It was a bit of a public hiking area, but over time fewer and fewer people came to the area. You walked through the woods a little bit farther. Once you reached the fallen down tree you always came to, you hopped onto the tree and just sat there for a moment. You breathed in the outdoor air. These days you can't walk out of your front door and breath air like this. It is always thick and lifeless. You laid back on the tree and closed your eyes.

        You weren't sitting there for long until sudden there was a light screeching. It was slow but then quickened, getting louder. You lifted up and then looked up the hill that was behind you. Suddenly a person came into view. They were sliding down the hill at what looked to be a bit of a dangerous speed. Their eyes were half closed and they seemed pretty happy. You followed them with your eyes as they passed you. Once they came to a complete stop they jumped up and then proceeded to climb back up the hill. He got to the point where he was next to you again. You smiled and nodded at him in greetings. He stopped and then joined you.

        "Hey, Feliciano. I didn't notice that it was you until you came into view." You smiled at him. He smiled back and leaned in close to talk to you. You tried to convince yourself that he did this because he was Italian. (I don't know what kind of reason this is whoops)

        "Oh well! You know it is-a me now so that is all that matters." He told you fondly and then continued to be cute.

        "So... Uh, Feli... Why were you doing... uh... Whatever you were doing?" You asked him, attempting to word your sentence correctly and then gave up.

        "Well, Bella. I was-a sliding down the hill. It is super fun!" He exclaimed and then grabbed your hand. You blushed lightly. "Why don't you do it with me?" He asked you and then hopped off of the fallen tree and pulled you along with him up the hill. You were uneasy about this but continued to follow his lead.

        "Here we are!" He exclaimed as the two of you reached the top of the hill within 7 minutes. He plopped down on the ground and then looked up at you, his eyes full of joy. You blushed as his eyes met yours.

        "O-okay..." You stuttered as you sat down next to him.

        "What are you-a doing?? Sit between my-a legs! It'll be-a more fun that way, and we'll be-a together the whole time..." He trailed off and blushed a bit. You smiled and nodded. A darker blush covered your face once you sat between his legs and settled yourself.

        "Ready?" He asked you. You shook your head yes and grabbed onto his pants. He pushed off of the hill using his hands. After the two of you started picking up speed he wrapped his arms around and you and hugged you tightly.

        You felt the blood rush through your veins; you were smiling and grabbing his pants tighter and tighter as the speed picked up. As the two of you started to slow he loosened his grip a little; you did as well. Once the two of you came to a full stop the two of you were breathing hard. You leaned against him and then you tensed up.

        "Uhh... Feliciano?? Are you...." You trailed off. He hummed in response as he wriggled around a bit. You turned around to face him. He was blushing an extremely dark red. His honey-colored eyes widened as your (e/c) eyes met his. He looked away and you chuckled. "Are you... hard?" You asked him. He looked back at you from the corner of his eye, his face still turned away from yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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