Nyo!Germany x Germany[Lemon]

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I looked up Nyo!Germany's name online. Sooo I hope it's correct, because I don't know for sure. My lack of internet, me being lazy for the past year and a half, Hastings closing down(T0T my soul store >~<) and me getting caught up in other things I have only fully seen Axis Powers, Paint it White, and World Series. I have seen pieces of Beautiful World and World Twinkle just came out in like... Late December early January I think. So don't kill me. That mobile hot spot I mentioned will be coming into use for that very soon~
I am going to do my best!
I just cam back up here to tell you guys that I got about half way through the beginning and then it hit me... German accents XD
So I had to redo all of the talking that was German. No biggie though. I love writing accents I was just so tickled that I forgot a d then it suddenly hit me all of the sudden that "hey... This is mostly them talking in German XD" soo there.
Hope you enjoy
                     -Fisk (。・ω・。)ノ♡
For the lovely person who recommended. I hope you enjoy. :3

       Monika was with Feliciana and Sakura when she suddenly got an extremely random call from Ludwig.
        "Hey, Monika."
        "Hello Ludvig. Do jou need somezhing?"
        "I was curious if jou, Feliciana, and Sakura vanted to come and hang out. Feliciano said he vanted to make pasta for everyone."
        "One moment I'll ask." She sat down the phone and turned to the female countries.
        "Jou guys vant to go over to Ludvig's? Feliciano said he vas going to make pasta..." she trailed off. It warmed her to the core that Ludwig had invited them... Even though she may not have been showing it very well.
        "Heck yeah!" Feliciana exclaimed while Sakura just nodded. Monika then pulled the phone back to her face.
        "Sure, ve'll come over." She said calmly.
        "Great. See jou soon."
        The female countries had automatically started getting ready. They soon arrived at Ludwig's. Monika was the one to knock on the door. Ludwig the one to answer.
        "Ah, jou all are here. Good to see jou all." he said and held the door open for the ladies. All the female countries automatically made their way to their counter parts... Except for Monika. Ludwig came up from behind her and gabbed hand squeezing it. She blushed and jerked her head to look up at him.
        "V-Vhat are jou doing?" she asked extremely startled by his sudden action.
        "Come. I vant to show jou somezhing I really like... I hope jou like it as vell." He finished with a faint blush on his face.
       They went to his office and he grabbed the back on his book case and pulled something that looked like a handle. He pulled Monika into the passage and pulled the bookcase, door thing back into place(if you've ever read Anne Frank it is that kind of thing...) The passage was extremely dark and dusty... All most as if he hadn't been in here for a while or that he doesn't come through here often.
        "Vhat in the vorld could be back here for jou to have so much secrecy?" She asked completely confused. He looked back at her, his blue eyes gleaming in the dark.
        "Vell, Monika... To be completely honest I have zhis hidden because I have been collecting for years. I have not used any of it, nor had anyone else seen it. So jou are zhe first... Also... If jou agree; jou vill be zhe fist to use these zhings as vell..." he trailed off staring into her beautiful blue eyes. She blinked a blush on her face.
        "If jou vant me to... I vill agree to anyzhing you vant. But... Vhat is all of zhis jou are talking about?" she asked still confused.
        "haha... Zhat is a secret... Jou'll see." He smiled at her and continued to lead her down the passage. She could tell that it was going down hill. They must be underground by now. His office was on the bottom floor so that is a high possiblity.
        When they reached a door Ludwig covered Monika's eyes with one hand and opened the door with the other. When they walked in he uncovered her eyes and then shut the door behind them. There was a plain bed with clean white sheets and then... There were trays of small torture objects and sex-toys. Tall contraptions which chained people up for the other person to whip and do whatever they wanted to the 'victim'. Monika was fascinated. Most women and most of some men would be utterly disgusted or terrified that Ludwig had any of these things. She was impressed. She turned around to make eye contact with Ludwig. He was blushing, that only made Monika smile. She grabbed his large hands into hers and looked him in the eyes. This only made him blush more.
        "Zhis is impressive... But... Lidvig... Jou don't have to lock me up or tie me down for me to do vhat jou vant me to." She complimented then explained to the tall German man. He smiled.
        "So... Jou like it?" He asked pleased.
        "Yes... I like it... Now..." she trailed off and plopped down on the bed. "Do vhatever jou vant to me." she finished. This only made Ludwig hard.
        He walked over to the smaller German woman ripped off her shirt and bra then pushed her down onto the bed. He grabbed the hand cuffs which were at the base of the bed and cuffed her to the posts. She smiled and went limp, giving him permission to do whatever he wanted.
        "I... Von't gag jou because I vant to hear all jour cries and moans... I vant to hear jou scream my name." He said and then began to roughly kiss her. She was so happy... For Ludwig was the one on top of her and no one else. This was her first time. He then worked his way down from her lips to her jaw line and then to her neck. He left hickies and red marks. He kissed her all around her neck until she gave out a light moan, signalling that he had found her soft spot. He kissed and sucked on the spot until it was red with abuse. He then worked his way down to her breasts. He grabbed the right one massaging it and sucked on the left.
        "L-Lud... Ludvig.... Ah~" she let out a pleased moan. He laughed, pleased and then switched breasts. He kissed her breasts and stomach as he removed her pants. Soon all that was left was her underwear. The colors resembled the German flag(I couldn't think of anything else XP)
He massaged her vagina from outside of her underwear.
        "Wet already, Monika? Is it that good?" he asked letting out a light laugh when all she did was moan and buck her hips in reply.  He then removed her underwear and started to massage it bear. After about a minute of doing so he inserted a finger and started pumping. He then inserted up to four fingers over time.
        "Please... Ludvig... Ahh~ enough foreplay... Please... Get inside already..." She pleaded. He looked up in surprise from her sudden request. He lifted up and unzipped his pants, lowering them, and then let his erected member free. He sighed in relief. Before positioning himself at her entrance he gave her a passionate kiss. He pushed inside of her slowly. She let out a low cry trying to suppress her screams.
        "Monika... Don't hold back... Scream for me... No one vill hear... I promise... Please?" she nodded and then let out more cries as he pushed deeper. Tears streamed down her face. He kissed them away and pushed the rest of the way in. At this sudden movement she let out a scream. He stopped waiting for her to adjust.
        When she had finally adjusted she gave him a nod of approval as he started thrusting Into her. She let out moans and even screams of pleasure.
        "Monika! Jou're so tight... Ah~" he complimented her and started thrusting harder and deeper into her.
        "Z-Zhat's because it's my fist time! Ludvig!! R-Right zhere!" she exclaimed as he hit her g-spot. He thrust harder into the same spot and she came on his hard member.
        "Ah... Can... Can I cum inside of jou?" he asked before he released.
        "J-Ja.. G-Go ahead..." she stammered.
        She tensed in pleasure as he released inside of her. Letting out a shivering moan she collapsed on the bed. Germany released her hands from the cuffs and collapsed next to her, covering them up.
        "Ich Liebe dich, Monika..." Ludwig said happily.
        "Ich liebe dich, Ludwig" she replied before burying her face into his chest and going to sleep.

What did you think? I think it turnes out a lot better than I expected... Not to mention it turned out to be a lot longer than I expected but that is okay ^_^
btw I don't really care for Nyo!Germany's name... Monika... It doesn't seem like it fits... Oh well.

I hope you all enjoyed.

Also~ teehee
Tell me if you guys want to know what happened with Italy and Nyo!Italy and Japan and Nyo!Japan...
I'll write it if you want it.
Bye-bye now!
                     -Fisk (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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