Romano x Reader[Lemon]

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I need to apologize to the person who recommended this. I did not get this done when I said I would. But here it is now. I really apologize that I didn't do it. I really tried to sit down and write, but if I were to do that and not really be in the mood... It would suck. So now that I am in the mood here is your chapter. I hope you enjoy. ^_^
        "FRATELLO!!!!!" Lovino screamed at his brother almost as soon as you went to knock on his door. You just stopped mid knock. Completely froze. Silence.
        Romano cracked the door.
        "Ah... Y-Y/n..." he trailed off lightly.
        "Hi..." you trailed off and smiled at him.
        "... Fratello is here..." He grumbled.
        "I heard." you laughed.
        "Oh... I see... That's embarrassing..." he whispered in shame.
        "Can I come in, or do you want me to go??" you asked, sadness hinting in your voice.
        "No... Please... Please, come in... I was afraid you weren't going to come at all." he told you and blushed. You smiled and pulled him into a hug.
        "Lovi... No matter how alone you feel I will always be here. I would never forget about you. Nor would I ever skip out on spending time with you. Nothing better than being with you..." you trailed off. He was tense, but a few seconds after you had told him those things he relaxed and wrapped his arms around you waist. He picked you up and carried you to the living room.
        "I called Germany. He should be-a here any time." Feliciano told Lovino in a light voice.
        "Fratello... I'm-a sorry for yelling at you, but thank you for-a calling the potato bastard." he said, which made you giggled as he sat down on the couch and pulled you close to him in his lap. Lovino nuzzled into you neck and gave you light kisses. You nuzzled into him as he did so. You fell asleep at some point as well.  
        When you woke up you were in a bed with Lovino. Still wearing all your clothes except for your shoes. As you moved, Lovino's eyes shot open, almost as if he weren't asleep in the first place.
        "Hey..." you said groggily.
        "Ciao... Did you have a good nap?" Lovino asked you with care in his voice. You nodded and the climbed on top of him and rested there.
        "Um... Y/n?? W-what are you doing?!" he asked almost as if he were terrified. You smiled and kissed him.
         "I think I want to have some fun~" you told him, still half asleep.
        "Umm... What?" he asked, his eyes growing wide.
        "Would you want to take my first time?? Right here, right now?" you asked, more awake and serious now.
        "... I have a feeling you fell asleep on purpose now..." he said.
         "Nope, I didn't. But... Please answer." you begged him.
        "Yes... Yes I would." he said and then grabbed you and rolled you over. He climbed on top of you and started to kiss you violently. You kissed back, the two of you fighting for dominance. He won. When the two of you parted for air you tugged on his shirt. He pulled in off and then slid his pants off as well. You just laid there.
        "... What about you?" he asked, and gave you a blank stare, even though he was blushing. You lifted your leg up and grazed his erection. This made him tense.
        "I was hoping you'd take them off for me, Lovi~" you cooed to him. He blushed and then ripped your clothes off. You gasped at his quick and precise movements. He then began to massage your breasts and kiss your neck. You moaned when he had found your sweet spot. He sucked there for a minute leaving a hickie. He then moved lower to you breasts. Massaging one and sucking the other. With every movement you became wetter and wetter.
        He had finally worked his way down to your vagina. He pushed in one finger and then added one more over time until he reached four. At this point he was thrusting hard and quickly. He then pulled his hand out and licked it. You blushed as he looked into your eyes. You felt empty without his hand inside of you.
        "L-lovino..." you trailed off with a shuddered breath.
        "Haha... Okay, Miss Impatient..." he laughed and then began to push inside of you. You gasped as tears pricked the corners of you eyes. He leaned over you and kissed them away, mumbling words of comfort in Italian. When you were comfortable with the feeling he started to thrust in and out of you with great strength. You screamed his name in pleasure. He picked you up and slammed you against a wall. He was holding you up by your legs thrusting in and out of you, making your surfaces hit hard, and making sloppy noises. This only sent stronger waves of pleasure through your body.
        "Lovino...  H-harder... Please... Break me if you have to! Be as r-rough as you want, no... Be as rough as y-you can possibly be!" you begged, almost commanded, him. He grunted in reply, and laid you on his lap. He was behind you. With a deep breath he started to thrusting into you with all his might, so that every time he trusted you were sent into the air, coming back down hard onto his large, erected, cock. He was breathing harder now. You were moaning and gasping in pleasure. The sound of moist parts clapping together made you even more horny than you already were. You lifted off of him, making him whimper. He, and yourself, were very close to climax. You planted a heavy kiss onto his lips, and then pushed him down. You sat on top of his cock and began to ride and bounce on top of him. He just laid there becoming even more erected. You could feel him hardening within you. Suddenly, with no warning besides a gasp, Lovino came inside of you. His warm cum covering your insides. You continued to ride him until he flipped the two of you over and started to thrust. He thrust quickly into you until you came all over his member and went limp. He pulled out of you and collapsed next to you. He pulled the blanket over the two of you. He pulled you close.
        "Hey... Miss Impatient?..." he trailed off.
        "Yes?" you replied, remembering the name he had used for you earlier.
        "Would you like to be Mrs.Vargas?" he asked you quietly, obviously embarrassed. Your eyes grew wide, and a smile appeared on your lips.
        "Lovino... Yes... I would like that a lot."
        "Good... I love you..." he told you.
        "I love you, too." you replied and then dozed off.

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