France x Reader[Lemon]

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         You were walking down the sidewalk and a flower shop caught your eye. You decided that you would take a peek.

        "Oui. I'll take zhese," You heard a French accent state to the cashier. Your gaze shot to the counter. It was none other than the extremely handsome Francis. He turned around and went to walk out the front door when he suddenly glanced over at you. His face lit up.

        "Well~ If it isn't who I was about to go looking for!" He exclaimed and walked over to you, "I couldn't miss zhat beautiful (h/c) hair." He complimented you. You started to furiously blush, he smiled and winked at you.

        "Are you zhat embarrassed?" He laughed and then leaned down close to your face, "No reason for zhat beautiful" he told you and kissed you on the cheek. You tensed up as you slowly brought your hand to your face in surprise. This only made you blush more.

        "Come with me~" He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the store. The two of you after walking for a bit ended up at a park bench. He was still holding the flowers.

        He sat down before you and then patted the area on bend next to him, "Sit with me, please?" He asked you with a somewhat shy-seeming smile, which was quite odd. You did as he asked.

        "Here you go," He smiled and handed you the bouquet of (f/flowers) You smiled and sat them in your lap.

        "Thank you, Francis," You thanked him. He nodded in return.

        "The least I can do. I want to tell you somezhing," He told you, there may have been a tiny hint of blush on his cheeks, but there wasn't enough light to see, for the sun had just set.

        "Tell me then," You told him and he just smiled at you. He then took your hand after a long pause. You blushed.

        "I've had you on my mind for forever..." He trailed off looking you in the eyes.

        "Well, that's impossible!" You exclaimed somewhat sarcastically.

        "What do you mean?" He seemed shocked, he hadn't picked up on that sarcasm. You giggled.

        "Because you haven't known me for forever, silly," You said squeezing his hand to assure him you were only making a joke.

        "Ah... my love, it sure seems like I've known you forever," He said with a long sigh while keeping eye contact.

        "I can't disagree. Please continue," You told him and then scooted a little closer.

        "I've had you on my mind since I've met you. I want you to be mine. I want to take you and make you mine forever. Will you be mine, Y/n?" He asked you passionately. You leaned forward and kissed him.

        "Yes, I will," He smiled and picked you up in a hug.

        "Now, lets go have some fun~" He whispered suggestively into your ear. You blushed and nodded.

        Francis unlocked his door and pulled you through the doorway into a kiss, which you automatically melted into. He then gently pushed you onto the couch. You wrapped your arms around his neck and continued to kiss him. He pulled away from your grasp and took his shirt off and then removed yours. He then after, dropping the shirts onto the floor, reached under you and removed your bra. Discarding it onto the floor as well. He leaned down and licked your left nipple. He twirled his tongue around it and then kissed it. He massaged your right breast while doing this. You were blushing and holding back light moans. This was your first time doing anything so it all was very new to you. He then switched breasts. After giving both of them good treatment he glanced up at you from your chest. Your heart skipped a beat and you covered your face with your arm. He chuckled and started to remove your pants and panties. You gasped as the cold air hit your vagina.

        "Honhon~(I'm so sorry!) This wet already, Y/n?" He chuckled and then kissed your entrance. You gasped as he did so. He spread the lips of your vagina apart with his middle and index finger and started to lick and prod your vagina. You let out a light moan.

        "There we go~ Don't hold back; be loud if you want," He told you. You felt the breath of his words on your vagina and you shuddered. He continued to give you oral until he felt the need to start fingering you. He scooted close you and inserted his index finger into your vagina. You let out a light moan as he started to thrust his finger into your vagina. He added fingers over time. You started to breath hard.

        "F-francis..." You whispered. He leaned down next to your face while still thrusting into you.

        "Yes, Y/n? What is the matter?" He asked you. You let out a breathy moan.

        "N-noth... ing is... wrong... I... Ah~" You interrupted yourself with a moan.

        "Hmm?" He hummed to you in response as he continued.

        "Give... Give me... more~" You begged him, your eyes half closed and clouded with pleasure. He chuckled and slid his pants off. You looked down at his massive bulge and shuddered. You wanted it in you so bad right now that you almost couldn't hold back from pouncing on him. He then removed his boxers and spread your legs apart. He shoved himself into you with one movement.

        "Gah! F-francis!" You yelped in pain.

        "Shh~ My love, it is all right." He quieted you and leaned down to kiss you. You kissed him back passionately. He looked at you for approval. You nodded.

        He pulled halfway out and then slammed back into you with great force. He did this for a few minutes, his penis twitched inside of you the whole time. You were a moaning mess. He then leaned back and pulled you on top of him. He slammed into you from underneath. This sent a whole new wave of pleasure through your body. After several thrusts, he stopped. You laid down on his chest and looked him in the eyes.

        "I want you to... To fill me up inside," You told him, lust lacing your voice. He blinked at you and then got back in the original position. He thrusted into you with all his might. You came quickly after. He gave four final thrusts and came, slowing down with several more thrusts into a full stop. He pulled out of you and collapsed next to you on the couch.

        "Thank you," He said and you kissed him in return.

        "No problem handsome~," You told him and then soon the two of you drifted off to sleep.


The next morning~


        Francis had left the door unlocked, which is something you should never do. Especially if two of your best(?) friends are perverted as Arthur is delusional(a lot).

        Gilbert and Antonio had decided to go to Francis's house for a... Wake up call(? Scream, tbh) Gilbert burst through the door and was about to yell when suddenly he saw two beings on the couch.

Anotio: *smiles evilly and takes out camera* I will take advantage of this~

Gilbert:*would have a nosebleed if possible and if I were that kind of writer* Kesesese, me too.

Antonio: *finishing taking pictures. From ALL angles of course.* Lets go before they wake up.

Gilbert: You're right, I am so going to fap to this later.

Antonio: What?

Gilbert: What?

I hope the... comic relief?? Is okay with you guys. I enjoy doing it.

If you all would rather me not I will stop. I just think it helps end the chapter. Leaves you laughing... Or smiling I hope??

Also as I mentioned in the last "author note" I'm not very confident in my writing and that unconfidence statement will last for a little while... but I'm sure I'll get back into the hang of it. Truth be told I wrote this a while back.

I hope you enjoyed it though... 

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