Belgium x Reader[Lemon]

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Hey you guys.
It is currently the 19th and it is Belgium's Birthday. Yay~
Some technical Yuri whoop whoop!!
Still waiting to be able to get service to update for you guys so... *sob* you know... Agh!
Here is your lemon. I hope you like it and Happy Birthday Belgium!

You were sitting at Belgium's and she was making waffles. You smiled and glanced into the kitchen thinking about how cute she was. She was prancing around and talk-singing to herself about making waffles. Netherlands came in and you just sort of nodded at him as a greeting and he stared at you in return. After about 37.2 seconds of staring he nodded back. He went straight to his room. Sometimes you hated that she lived with her brother. She came in with two plates full of waffles and some syrup from Canada. He was oh so generous as always and gave her some... Aka... A lot... She sat down next to you, very close next to you.
"I hope you enjoy them!"she said gleefully and then started to eat from her plate. You poured some syrup on you waffles and began to eat. You would shoot glances at her that she wouldn't notice.
Suddenly she fumbled with the syrup and spilled some of it on her chest.(hehe... classic, sorry.) She was wearing a low-cut green shirt with a short darker green skirt with black flats. It ran down her cleavage and she let out a whine.
"Now I have to change..." she trailed off when she noticed you were staring at her. You brushed some of her hair out her face. Her green eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes. She leaned forward and planted her lips onto yours, the syrup had been forgotten... For the moment. Your lips moved together, you licked her lip for entrance and she allowed. After a few minutes of kissing you lifted her up and drug her to her room. You threw her on her bed and started to lick the syrup of of her chest. You then removed her shirt and bra and commenced to licking her chest and sucked her nipples. She let out a small moan, and you moved higher on her body and started to kiss her on the mouth and neck. You left hickies on her neck, and sucked until you found her sweet spot. When she let out a small moan you paused there and gave it abuse. You lifted off her and she started to remove the rest of her clothing and then removed all of yours except for your underwear. She pushed you down onto the bed and kissed your breasts and stomach. She worked her way down until she was to your underwear.
"B-Belgium!!" You yelped as she started to suck through your underwear. She lifted up and giggled.
"Teehee~ Y/n... You're so naughty, so wet already!" she yelped at the end and you blushed in return. She removed your underwear and started to rub your vagina. After a minute, she then inserted a finger and added on till she made it to four. She thrust in and out of you quickly. You moaned with pleasure and after a few minutes she pulled her hand out, licked her fingers clean and went to her closet. After rummaging for a minute she pulled out a strap-on dildo. You hadn't noticed until she got on the bed. Before you noticed you were sulking about the sudden loss of pleasure. She put it on and then inserted it slowly inside of you.
You, at the time, did not even question why she had a strap-on, but instead you just accepted it. You let out light cries of pain. After a minute you signalled her that she could move, so she did. She thrust rapidly and aggressively. You were letting out moans of satisfaction and surprise. You were about to yelp about your sudden odd feeling, but it was too late. You came all of the dildo and Belgium smiled. She pulled it out of you, removed the strap-on, and threw it across the room. Your eyes flew open as she crawled under the covers with you and curled into the same shape of your body. She buried her face into your chest and you looked down at her.
"Ah... Er...what about you??"you asked her concerned.
"Hmm? Oh, I am good. You being satisfied makes me satisfied." she said happily and fell asleep on your chest. You then sank into the warmth of her and her bed and went to sleep shortly after.

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