Norway x Reader [Lemon]

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Hello Kitties!

It has indeed been a while. A long while. Now I am currently writing and not posting stuff that I wrote in the past~ *oOOHhhh spooky noises* XD

So today is Wednesday, May 17th, 2017. Why is this day significant you ask? Well! Today is, you guessed it(probably) Norway's Birthday!!! Woo! *confetti!!!*
I am in a good mood if you can't tell XD lol. I'm not sure why though.
Maybe because I love Norway. Idk... Btw... Good, no GREAT news. I don't think I ever gave out a favorite character, because I myself didn't know who my favorite character is... UNTIL TODAY MY KITTIES!!! Mwahahahahahaha!!~
So, I shall now reveal, heh. My favorite character is *drum roll*


Now to the lemon. Enjoy kitties and sorry for wasting your time XD

        It was a warm Saturday afternoon, the sky was clear, it was slightly windy but not so windy that it was unpleasant. The wind also kept it from getting too hot. You inhaled deeply, the air was clear and dry. You were sitting im a park with (fav. drink) and staring at the lake. Kids were chasing each other, teens were playing chicken, parents were tanning on the edge of the lake, and boats scattered throughout the deep water with fishers. You seemed to be the only person who was alone. You sat there for another five minutes of watching people have fun when suddenly someone sat down next to you. He was wearing navy blue shorts, navy blue sneakers, and a lighter blue shirt with a breast pocket and V-neck. His light blonde hair was slightly ruffled by the wind. You looked over at him and surprise struck you like a brick, it was none other than Lukas. He looked at you as well. You both stared silently into each others eyes for a long period of time until it was too much for you to bare and you broke the contact. He grabbed your wrist a hoisted you up. You just blushed looking down at his hand. He gently smiled at you and pulled you along. You weren't sure what he had in mind. You just knew how embarrassed you were.
        After being drug along for a bit he pulled you trough his door and to his bed room. You mind ran wild when he sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to you. You hesitantly sat down beside him.
        "So... Y/n..." He said abruptly to get your attention. You were surprised by how he projected his voice.
        "... You're a virgin, right?" He asked you and you face flushed even darker than it already was. You nodded and then looked away.
        "... Good..." he said and then wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you to his chest until you were in his lap. You kept repeating the word "good" in your head... Why is that good for him?? You though to yourself when suddenly he started to kiss your neck. You tensed and gasped when he did so.
        "Can I take it from you?" he asked and then continued to kiss your neck.
        "What?" you asked confused, you had started to get used to the kissing.
        "... Your virginity... Can I take it?" he asked as if it were an object. You blushed as you thought about it... You nodded, without another word from you or from him he lifted you off of his lap and laid you back onto the bed. you just blushed and looked into his dark blue eyes. He removed your shirt with ease then he removed your pants. You had taken your flats off at the door. He left you in only your panties and bra. He swiftly took of all his clothes only leavening his boxers. He even took out his cross-clip, which made his hair fall completely into his face. He was so handsome that you couldn't help but reach up and put your hand on his cheek. He smiled at you and grabbed your wrist. You suddenly weren't embarrassed anymore. You wanted him. You then wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his ear down to you mouth and then whispered.
        "You better hurry before I change my mind.~" you said seductively and then bite his ear. He let out a moan as his boxers tightened. You smiled, this pleased you. You let you hands trail down from his neck to his arms and then all the way down to his wrists. The then grabbed your hands and put them above your head and kissed you violently. He worked his way down you body, unclipping you bra and then finally as a tease, slowly removed your underwear. He then started to lick and prod you vagina with his tongue. This sent you into an extremely low moaning fit. He smiled as he backed away. You let out a whimper when he did so. In turn, as a result he stuck two fingers into your vagina and started to trust. Over time he added fingers until he was up to four. When you had finally bucked your hips into his hand he pulled out. You opened you eyes to see him removing his boxers and then he got on top of you. Hu pulled you up and then sat you down onto his penis. You cried out in pain.
        "L-Lukas!!" you yelped and he leaned forward and kissed the fresh tears.
        "Shh... It'll be fine... It won't hurt for long." he told you and then started to murmur Norwegian words of comfort into your ear. He was all the way in and when you had nodded for him to move him practically lifted you you up and slammed into you with all of his force. You yelped in pain and surprise. He continued doing this, only getting more and more carried away. The pain was indeed replaced with pleasure.
        "Y/n... You're so tight... I don't know how much longer I ca-" he was cut off as he came inside of you. His eyes grew wide and he stopped trusting, "damn it..." he cursed under his breath. You had whimpered with pleasure when he did so. You leaned against his chest.
        "... Keep going??" you asked him in a tired and hoarse voice.
        "... Do you want to?" he asked. You nodded and then he repositioned you and laid you back without removing his member. He trust in and out of you once again, but this time he fondled your breasts and kissed you. You suddenly felt an odd wave of pleasure overtake you.
        "Lukas!" you moaned loudly as you came. He continued to trust until he came as well. He pulled out of you and then put the cover over the two of you. He pulled you to his chest and you dosed off. Right before you had gone into sleeping Lukas told you that he loved you and then went to sleep him self.
Emil's POV

      Well... Lukas brought Y/n home... How do I know?? I heard everything... I am scarred... Ugh... Mr.Puffin isn't pleased either... He is making it quite clear...

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