Switzerland x Reader[Lemon]

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         You were walking down the sidewalk when a certain Swiss man caught your attention. You stopped and stared. He didn't go out much, so you found this a great opportunity. You crept up behind the unknowing Swiss man and wrapped your arms around his neck.

        "Got you!" You yelped slightly and kissed his cheek the best you could from behind.

        "Gah? Who? Y/n?!" He yelped and grabbed your arms and spun around. You smiled once your eyes met.

        "Yup you caught me, Vash!" You exclaimed and smiled at him sweetly. He blushed and looked away.

        "I... I suppose so..." he trailed off in embarrassment. You smiled and leaned closer to him. You nuzzled his nose and he reared back. You giggled in return.

        "Don't do that in public!" he yelped at you and you smiled suggestively in return.

        "So it is okay to do it privately... At your house?" You asked him in a low voice. He blushed and looked at the ground.

        "I can't say that it wouldn't... Beside, Lillia isn't home today... So..." He trailed off and looked you in the eyes. You blushed and grabbed his hand.

        "Okay, it is settled! To your home we go," You said in a sing-song voice.

        The two of you soon arrived at his doorstep. He unlocked the door and lead you in. You knew your way around his house, and without asking him for approval you pulled him to his bedroom and pulled him onto the bed. You crawled on top of him and started to kiss his neck and collarbone.

         "Y-Y/n?" he asked you as he blushed furiously.

        "Do you want me to stop?" You asked him with a lust filled voice.

        "N-no not necessarily," he paused, "No... No, I do not want you to stop," he trailed off and then lifted up; kissing you passionately. When the two of you parted you nuzzled his nose and he kissed your forehead. He pushed you gently down onto the bed and started to remove your shirt. After he removed yours, you removed his and then started to unbutton his pants while he attempted to undo the back of your bra. Even after you had his pants down around his ankles, he was still trying to unhook your bra. You giggled in return for his attempts. He huffed and then let his hands fall down to your sides; he stroked them fondly. You reached behind you and unclasped the bra effortlessly on the first try.

        "Ugh... How do you even?" He asked you; frustration laced his voice.

        "Practice I suppose," you told him as he pulled his pants all the way off. You smiled and then started to palm his erection which was now growing in your gasp. He soon was gasping and leaning on your shoulder. You then slowly removed his boxers. He sighed and blushed as you had them fully removed and discarded to the floor.

        "May I?" he asked you as he had his hands on the top of your pants and panties. You nodded and helped him remove them. He put his hand on your privates and rubbed through the lips of your vagina until his finger went inside.

        "You're so wet..." he trailed off. You blushed and then laid your head on his shoulder. Once he had added up to three fingers you were starting to breath harder. He suddenly hit a tender spot and a moan escaped your lips.

        "Is... Is this the spot?" he asked you and then started to rub and fondle that area with greater force. He took your moan as a yes.

        "Vash~" you paused, "Vash... Ah~ Can I have more?" You and he both blushed as you planted a violent kiss on his lips. He pushed you down on the bed and adjusted himself at your entrance.

        "May I?" He asked you while blushing. You nodded in anticipation as he pushed inside of you. Once he was all the way in he waited for you to adjust. After a moment he leaned down and gave you a passionate and lustful kiss. 

        "Go ahead," you told him once you were ready.  He pulled out and then thrust back into you. He did this roughly and unevenly. He leaned down and bit into your collarbone after several thrusts. A tear ran down your cheek as you moaned in pleasure and pain. He leaned up to your cheek and kissed your tear away. He continued to thrust, you felt his penis twitch inside of you and he started to thrust with even greater strength. After a few more scattered thrusts he came; you did as well, after the point of being filled up, came. The two of you collapsed onto his bed.

"I... I love you, Y/n... I really mean it..." He told you with a sleepy voice. You smiled and kissed him.

"I love you too, Vash. Never forget it or doubt it," You told and then curled up to his chest. He pulled the cover over the two of you; soon both of you were deep in love filled dreams.

I am sorry that this one is shorter. I love Switzerland, don't get me wrong... I just had a problem placing him in the situation. So, yeah... Sorry. (still unconfident haaa whoops; also written a while back.)

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