Ameripan [Lemon]

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        America was heading over to Japan's today to just hang out. Japan had randomly invited America for no particular reason. He only said he wanted to hang out. America was really happy because it wasn't himself who invited Japan or just showed up. Being the very loud and hyper person that America is, he was pretty much yelling and rambling to himself all the way to Japan's.
         When America had finally arrived at Japan's he knocked louder than needed.
        "Japan, dude! It's me! Hey. Duuude?!?" He yelled at the entrance of the door. Japan made his way to the door and opened it.
        "Herro, America... How are you today?" The Japanese man asked politely, letting him through the door.
        "Doing great since you invited me this time. Haha!" He laughed and automatically made his way to the table. He plopped down on a mat and glanced over at Japan who was watching him intensely.
        "Japan, dude? You okay?" he asked, concerned for his friend.
        "A-ah, yes..." he trailed off blush suddenly covered his face as he noticed what he was doing and in a rushed flurry, and ran to the kitchen. America just watched, extremely confused.
        Soon after Japan came out of the kitchen with a tray of tea. He sat down on the opposite side of the table. He poured America's tea and then poured his own tea. America looked up at Japan and smiled.
        "You didn't have to do that. I could have poured it for myself-" he was cut off by Japan.
        "I-I'm sorry America! I just..." he trailed off.
        "No worries, dude. I appreciate it." America said. Japan looked at him a blush covering his face, he drank his tea.
        "Uh... Dude?" America asked. Japan's gaze shot up to America.
        "Y-yes?" Japan asked.
        "You feeling okay?"
        "Yes. I'm fine."
        "You sure?"
        "Yes... America, I'm sure."
        "But you're awfully red~" he cooed at the Japanese man.
        "I-I'm fine! There is nothing the matter!" He said and held his tea in front of his face, failing miserably while trying to hide his blush.
        America sat down his tea and reached out and put his hand on Japan's forehead, making him look up at the handsome American, whom was stretched across the table. Japan sat his tea down and put his hands in him lap. Blushing even more, Japan grabbed America's arm. Said person tensed as Japan grabbed his arm. He looked down at the Japanese man, concerned.
        "... Japan... Are you sure you're okay?" He asked once again. He nodded in reply. America pulled him arm away, slid off his glasses, stood up and walked around the tabled, and looked down at Japan. He then picked up the smaller man sat down and pulled him into his lap.
        "A-America?! What are you doing?" He asked extremely shocked. He knew America was forward... But not this forward. America kissed Japan's neck and nuzzled into it. (omg... That would be so cute! I need to find a pic now... If anyone who draws and reads this, draw me a pic of that... I ship this so hard core...)
        Japan very shocked, just tensed and sat there like shocked prey. America laughed and looked Japan in the eyes. His blue eyes shining with love, America then put two fingers under Japan's chin and brought their lips together. Japan at first shocked, melted into the kiss. When they parted for air they just stared at each other.
        "America..." Japan trailed off at a loss of words.
        "no... Call me Alfred, Kiku. Please?" the American asked desperately. Kiku nodded. Alfred smiled and then pushed the Japanese man to the ground and kissed him violently. Kiku wrapped his arms around Alfred waste and pulled himself closer to the American. Kiku lifted his leg up and hit Alfred's erection. He suddenly gasped and parted away from Kiku. Blush covered his face as he fell back. He pulled his knees to his chest and buried his face into his knees.
        "That's so embarrassing!!" the American yelped into his knees. Japan, with a mischievous look on his face scooted toward the American. He leaned forward and lightly poked his cow-lick. Alfred's hand shot up and grabbed Kiku's. His eyes wide and his blush more furious. Japan took his other hand and tugged on it a few times. Alfred then shot forward, once again pinning the Japanese man to the floor. Alfred ripped off Kiku's shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. He then ripped off his own shirt, picked up Kiku, and went to Kiku's room. America threw Japan onto the bed and whispered to him in a husky voice.
        "Now you're in trouble~" He said and then ripped off Kiku's boxers. The Japanese man gasped and cover his member. Alfred growled and pulled his hands away. Japan blushed and covered his eyes with his right arm.
        Alfred grabbed Kiku's member and started thrusting up and down. Kiku let out huffs of pleasure. Alfred smiled.
        "A-arfred... I think I'm about to cum..." The Japanese man trailed off. Alfred then stopped, Kiku let out a whimper of dissatisfaction, and then Alfred wrapped his lips around Kiku's member. He bobbed his head up and down quickly in a steady rhythm. Japan bucked him hips as he came in Alfred's mouth. The American licked his lips and then stuffed three of his fingers into Kiku's mouth. Kiku automatically began to suck. When Alfred felt that his fingers were wet enough he stopped and then stuffed his middle finger in Kiku's anus. The Japanese man let out a moan of pain and grabbed the bed sheets. After a minute of adjusting Alfred started to thrust into his anus with his finger. Once he had added all three fingers and had thrust that way for a few minutes he pulled them out and then started to push him member into the Japanese man.
        "Ow... A... Afred... You're... O-ow... S-so big..." He trailed off as the American pushed deeper into Kiku's anus. Once Alfred had himself as far as he could go, Kiku was in tears. He leaned forward and kissed his tears away and then gave the Japanese man a passionate kiss.
        "Okay... You can g-go now..." Japan said after a few minutes of adjusting to Alfred's size. He began to thrust hard into the smaller man. Kiku let out screams of pleasure. He had his mouth covered most of the time to try and muffle them. After a few minutes of this Kiku suddenly let out a yelp.
        "Arfred! Yes!! R-ight there... Keep thrusting there!" The Japanese man practically yelled. Alfred at first extremely confused by his outburst, continued to thrust harder than before.
        "Arfred!!" Kiku yelled as he came on both of them. Alfred then trust harder and faster as he neared his end. He soon came inside of Kiku.
Alfred let out a yell and then collapsed on top of Kiku.
        "Arfred... I invited you here for a reason today..." The Japanese man trailed off.
        "Oh really? Sorry, dude. Looks like I ruined that." He apologized. Kiku shook his head.
        "No... If anything you are going to make it easier for me..." He said and Alfred glanced at him in a shocked manner.
        "What do you me-" He was cut off as Kiku plastered his lips to his. When the part Kiku put his arms around Alfred's neck and smiled. He brown eyes full of love.
        "I invited you here today to terr you some thing..." He trailed off and kept eye contact with Alfred.
        "Okay, dude... Tell me then" Alfred said cheerfully despite how tired he truly was.
        "Watashi wa anata o aishite." He said confidently in his own language. Alfred just blinked. "I rove you, Arfred." He stated blankly in English. A smile crept across his face afterward.
        "Really?!" Alfred exclaimed happy.
        "...yes..." Kiku said all of the sudden really embarrassed. Alfred wrapped him up in a hug.
        "That's awesome, dude!"
        "Because! I love you too. Kiku!!

Man. That one was long too. Oh well.
I ship this hard core. So... So very hard core!! @0@
I really enjoyed writing that XD

Look forward to the
Greece x Neko Reader special tomorrow. I am just going to acknowledge his birthday in the beginning but the chapter itself won't revolve around his birthday.
I hope you guys enjoy that when the time comes.

Buy-bye now my kitties
                     -Fisk (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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